Friday, 26 April 2013

★ The Queen of Sheba!

Of this queen we know very little. In the gospels The LORD designates her as a queen of the south who came to Jerusalem from tge ends of the earth. In view of the travelling conditions at the time it was, at any rate, a very very long journey. Yet the distance did not prevent the news of Solomon's fame from reaching her. She testified herself that the news was so overwhelming tgat she simply could not believe it. Nor could she ignore what she had heard. Could Solomon possibly have the answer to the problems of her heart. Her hope that he might be able to answer her burning questions led her to leave no stone unturned to put her questions personally to the monarch himself. She needed to discover whether what she had heard was really true or not. On pthe contrary, after having met him she had to acknowledge that not even half had been told.Solomon's fame exceeded all reports.

The splendor of JESUS far exceeds Solomon. Every one of our readers have surely heard of The LORD JESUS, one probably more than another. We ought not to be cold. But have you come to HIM personally to discover who HE really is? If you get to know HIM, you will confirm the queen of Sheba's statement: "The half of the greatness of YOUR wisdom and compassion and love was not told to me". What others tell of HIM will fade into the background when we compare it with our own experience of HIM.  Find out for yourself by turning to HIM.

Like the queen of Sheba, let us also leave no stone unturned to know and experience and taste GOD's love for us, HIS precious children, proven to us through JESUS and the cross.

We can see clearly how impressed, indeed overwhelmed the queen of Sheba was when she came to King Solomon and witnessed personally the outward glory and splendor and also the extent of his wisdom. Such an experience could not fail to affect her. She simply had to give vent to the feelings in her heart and was filled with a sincere desire to express her wonder and estimation of HIS person. If we compare the list of all that she brought with her with what she actually gave him, we ascertain that she retained nothing for herself. What an example for us!

Referring to HIMSELF in Luke 11:31, The LORD JESUS said,  Indeed one greater than Solomonis here. Let us then repeat again, "it is not sufficient merely to hear about The LORD JESUS, we must go to HIM ourselves. Then HE will show us HIS glory and reveal what is in HIS heart. Our hearts will start to burn for HIM. We will want to speak only of HIM.  We will find the things of this world getting strangely dim. It will be our wish to exalt and worship HIM. With wonder, esteem and gratitude we shall honor HIM for what HE is and what HE has done for us. May these things be a wonderful reality for us from now on!