Tuesday, 11 June 2013

♥ Pain- Road to Heaven, Fun- Road to Hell! Which Road Are You On?

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways. Isaiah 55:9

December 1943 : The young mother is completely exhausted. After struggling for weeks, her 5 year old daughter has closed her eyes for ever. Today meningitis could be combated with antibiotics. They were not available then. "Will my husband be preserved for me  at least?" thought the young woman in her heart.

New Year's Day 1944 : The soldier has been granted leave from the front line to attend the funeral of his daughter. He thus escaped a devastating cauldron battle. Hope is growing. After the funeral, the husband soldier leaves again to the battle ground.

April 1944 : There is a knock at the door. The father-in-law enters. His expression already betrays bad news. Stunned, the young woman listens: her husband has been killed in action. Oppressive questions and thoughts invade her mind. Why this twofold loss? Oh GOD, W H Y?

August 2003 : At the age of almost 90 the widow follows her husband and daughter into eternity.  Her faith kept her from many a doubt. It was a stronghold despite her being unable to understand GOD's ways. So the words of apostle Paul were used for her epigraph: I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7).

Examples like this comfort the believer who has to suffer. But today's text warns us against expressing thoughts hastily regarding the suffering of others.  Auschwitz, the terror attacks of September 11th 2001, the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004, the diagnosis of a  tumor in a friend: all call for silence in cases of immeasurable suffering. Eternity only will reveal the answers to all our questions.

The suffering of a Christian is only for this earthly life which may be 60-70 years more or less, because that is the only time satan is allowed by Adonai GOD to inflict believers. But the un-believers have no suffering in their earthly lives, simply because satan knows he has a whole eternity in hell to inflict suffering on the un-believers, suffering of the worst kind unimaginable to man.

So my dear brothers and sisters, let this be a warning to all un-believers. You might enjoy a lifetime of comforts and have no struggles. But enjoy it while it lasts because the Bible warns us that it is temporary, as JESUS told us in the parable of the rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. When you see your Christian neighbors suffering in this life, don't look down on them or say, what point is there in being a faithful Christian. Being good, yet they suffer. An eternity in heaven with JESUS awaits them.

Is it better to have a small period of pain and suffering on earth as a Christian and an eternity in heaven afterward with unimaginable joy.
Is it better to have a small period of joy and fun on earth as un-believers and an eternity in hell afterward with unimaginable suffering.

Allow me to tell you another profound truth. It is against the people of GOD that the devil mobilizes his forces.  As the devil is unable to attack JESUS, he attacks those who faithfully  follow HIS leading and call.