“The righteous cry and the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.”
Key Passage: Psalm 34
Your weary mind begs your tired legs to press the accelerator and drive right by. But as you pass the church, you see wind blowing the few leaves left on winter’s trees by the front walkway. You sense the bitter cold outside. Your eyes scan to see a parade of children bundled in Starter jackets making their way across the street. You know where they are headed. Suddenly, you turn the car around and pray, “LORD, please help me. I am so exhausted, I don’t know if I can do this even just for a few hours. Please give me the strength that I don’t have.”
You park, lock your car and walk into the church that smells of must and mold. Almost immediately, familiar faces zoom by and tiny hands cling to your waist. You breathe a silent prayer. This is the encouragement you needed.
The LORD heard your cry.
Have you ever stopped to wonder if you live by your faith on a daily basis? When you are driving, working, ministering, praying, … Do you take “LEAPS of faith ?”
We often think of leaps of faith as huge decisions such as leaving our job to pursue missions, etc. But we have opportunities to take leaps of faith every day, in everything we do.
Psalm 31:1-8 shows us an example of faith in David’s life. He was running from Saul and took leaps of faith daily as he trusted GOD for protection. In verse one, he writes, “In You, O LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be ashamed. In Your righteousness, deliver me.”
In Psalm 34, David encourages the congregation to join in thanksgiving to GOD for rescuing him. It is easy to look at David’s situation after the fact and see GOD’s hand of deliverance, but how did he feel in the midst of his despair? We can surmise that he felt hemmed in, afraid and crushed.
Yet his hope and ours is found in the LORD ALMIGHTY, who is always faithful.
Are there days when you feel weak, drained, annoyed or scared? GOD wants you to cry out to HIM with confidence that HE delivers, provides, strengthens and protects. No matter what you’re facing, from traffic to weariness, GOD always meets you where you are, at the point of your need.
Take a leap of faith today. Cry out to the LORD and trust that HE will answer. His response is always the best solution to your need.
The Bible is full of stories recounting daily leaps of faith.
- Read Exodus 14:1-4. How did Moses trust God?
- Read 2 Kings 4:18 – 5:14, and recount the names of people and circumstance in which GOD was trusted.
- Read Mark 8:1-9. How did the disciples trust JESUS?
- Examine the choices you have made in the past few days. What are some ways GOD has called you to take leaps of faith?
- What are some ways GOD is calling you to trust HIM today?
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