It is never too late to square your shoulders and meet the challenge head on.
It is never too late to make a fresh start.
I have been reading this amazing book by Robert A. Schuller, “The world’s greatest comebacks”. I would like to share a few thoughts from this book. Hope you will find it useful.
From Setback To Comeback Through “FAITH”:
Some situations and problems are out of our range. Only something short of a miracle will create a turn around. So what can we expect to make a comeback.
Miracles? Yes. How? Prayer.
“Prayer should be our first resource and not our last resort.”
We know many people who have gained victory through their tragedy. Their comebacks are not necessarily physical, instead they may be spiritual or mental. In times of despair, they have found hope. In times of grief, their tears have watered the seeds of inner joy and happiness.
Through their pain, they have made a declaration inspiring and uplifting to all. These people have discovered that it is possible to turn losing situations around and to “bloom where they are planted”. Because GOD can perform MIRACLES for us, WHEN WE PRAY.
You will be boosted by true stories from the world of business, academics, medicine, performing arts, sports and entertainment.
Isaac Newton:
This person who is credited for almost all the latest inventions in the field of science did not have a very good childhood. You should know that he could not afford to go to school !!!!!!!!!
Thomas Muster:
A drunken driver smashed his knees in an accident. The doctors told that he will not be able to walk at all. --- SETBACK? --- YES.
He became the world’s number one tennis player within 6 years. He was called the “king of clay”.
Harrison Ford:
He had a dream of making an acting career in Hollywood and he tried. But he ended up as a carpenter. --- SETBACK? --- YES.
He persisted and he prevailed and he succeeded.
But the greatest comeback is also that of a carpenter by profession. The greatest possibility thinker to ever live on the face of the earth. Some call HIM “Good MASTER”. Some call HIM Teacher. I call HIM “LORD”.
The Romans and the Pharisees killed HIM and thought they had seen the last of HIM. We know the glorious and the greatest comeback which HE has made. We all call HIM “JESUS”.
So by making a comeback, we are following the best example set by the greatest of all men. We can do it with faith and prayer.
“Through prayer the IMPOSSIBLE becomes with “H-IM - POSSIBLE” ”.
Remember “FAITH does not demand miracles – it accomplishes them”.
We will explore the timeless formula for a successful comeback, a formula that is part of every comeback story you will read. We will investigate the three markers on the comeback course. Let’s learn them.
1. PREPARE – A comeback requires mental preparation. What should we do first?
2. REPAIR – Certain emotions may stand in the way of our comeback. How do we identify and deal with them?
3. CARE – Several personal attributes must be present if our comeback is to be successful. What are they?
1. PREPARE – A belief in miracles is essential to the comeback process. That is true in the past and it e even today.
Backdrop To Miracles – To participate in a miracle, we must first believe in them and we should know that miracles are not coincidental happenings.
“All things are possible”, HE promises, “If you only believe”. This is the first step. The next step is preparing yourself for the miracles.
Preparing for miracles means that you recognize that your burdens in life may be tools for miracle working. This may not be the usual way of thinking about them, but it is possible for us to use our burdens as opportunities for miracles to occur. So how many burdens are you carrying today that might be the keys to your success? What frustration is plaguing you could become a catalyst to your miracle. Ask yourself. Can I turn this setback into a comeback? Once you have said answered ‘yes’ you can expect miracles.
JESUS said “And whatever you ask in my name I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in my name I will do it”. Quite a promise isn’t it?!
Today you can expect a miracle to take in your life. Simply ask. The power of GOD, which was so dramatically displayed on the shores of the Red Sea and on the sides of Mount Carmel will be displayed in your life. Today you can expect a miracle to take place.
“Success comes in ‘CAN’S’ and failures comes in ‘CAN’TS’. “
“Turn your ‘Fore-go-its’ to ‘go-for-its’ ”.
The emotions that hold you back.
YES, you can overcome Fear. To overcome fear, we got to be BOLD.
Banish negative thinking.
Open your mind to GOD’s dream.
Look for ways to a comeback.
Daily take steps in that direction.
Every comeback requires the following steps.
Yes, you can overcome Guilt. How?
What we do?
Step 1: Cover up.
Step 2: Run and Hide.
What we should do?
Step 1: Seek Forgiveness.
Step 2: Change by repentance.
The last step would be to REPAIR our thinking, (negative thinking).
Yes, we can overcome negative thinking. So we should stop giving excuses.
“Exchange your ‘if only’s’ to ‘next time boldly’s”.
Open your mind to GOD’s dreams. GOD’s dreams have no limits. Anything is possible in The LORD. “GOD’s dreams are bigger than ours.” GOD uses us to make good things happen – things that are bigger and better than we can imagine. Take a list of talents and gifts GOD has given you. Remember, the smallest gift, when you put it in GOD’s hands, can grow to abundant, timeless proportions.
3. CARE –
As we prepare to take the final steps toward our comeback, we need to remember this philosophy. “Rather than concentrating on the SETBACK, we need to celebrate the COMEBACK”.
We can do this in the following three steps.
1. By glorifying GOD for making our comeback possible.
2. By exemplifying HIM and becoming as nearly like HIM as we can.
3. By magnifying HIS gift to us and building on our comeback to touch others.
Remember the blind man in the pool whom JESUS healed. He exhibited a characteristic so important to a comeback. He had the courage to glorify GOD by publicly crediting JESUS with his comeback. He had the courage to glorify GOD by publicly crediting JESUS with his comeback. He didn’t take his miracle and run.
Just as we glorify GOD through our prayer and praise. We should publicly exemplify HIM through our actions. We should be talking, walking examples of what HE can do in our lives. When you truly do your best, you attract attention.
You become an example for others to follow. People look at your work and they look at you, the creator of your work. They ask questions! They want to know about your motivations for working so hard. That gives you an opportunity to glorify THE ONE whose teaching’s you are trying to follow.
As we thank GOD for our comeback by glorifying HIM in words, exemplifying HIM by our actions. We have one more step to take. We should look for ways to magnify our comeback so that it expands and touches others. As the comeback approaches reality, we have to magnify our comeback by making sure it benefits others. May be it’s just bringing a little smile to others.
“A smile is a sweet curved line that sets a lot of things straight.”
When your comeback is complete, how will you react? Will you say “it’s about time” or “will you heave a sigh of relief and think “I’m glad that’s over”.
Consider another option. Consider glorifying GOD for the love HE has shown you through the comeback. Consider exemplifying GOD as a way of letting others know what GOD has done in your life. Consider magnifying your comeback by looking for ways to make it grow and benefit others.
Like any victory, a comeback is usually accompanied by a burst of energy. We feel good, a problem has been solved and a new beginning stretches out in front of us, we are going in the right direction and we have momentum. But we got to take care ………… we should never look back.
“No one having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of GOD”. – Luke 9:62
In this great possibility phrase of the New Testament, GOD is telling us that we should keep on keeping on. HE will shore up our efforts and give us every opportunity to succeed, No matter what our setback might be, no matter what type of adversity we are trying to overcome. HE will not let us see the stake at the end of the field without equipping us with the strength to take up the plow and moving directly towards the stake.
“HE who has begun a good work in you will complete it.” Philippians 1:6
“Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer……… be faithful until death, and I will give you a crown of life.” Revelations 2:10
Success is never ending. It is a journey of progressive realization of worthwhile goals. There will always be other setbacks, challenges, possibilities and opportunities. As part of any comeback, we slowly scale the peaks of our personal mountains and when we reach the pinnacles of success, victories, - the comebacks – we can then peep at the next great mountain. This is the ‘peak – peep principle’.
One goal down – new visions ahead. Existing? Yes. Frightening? Yes.
However GOD has told us not to fear the future but to put our hands on the plow and move toward the goal.
A “comeback” will always follow each “setback”.
“We just have to KEEP ON KEEPING ON.”
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