Saturday, 27 April 2013

♥ Abel's Religion or Cain's!

This particular article is taken from the daily devotional "The Good Seed".

By faith Abel offered to GOD a more excellent sacrifice than Cain -- Hebrews 11:4.

A student who was a believer once entered into a conversation with his professor. The latter asserted that the many varied religions in the world would only confuse him. Thereupon the young man replied,  'Basically there are only two religions. - Only two? Queried the professor,  And what are they?

One is the religion of Cain,  the student answered.  It declares that for GOD to accept me, I must bring something to HIM that is a result of my own labor. Cain's religion has permeated those of the whole world in various forms. It can also sadly be found among those calling themselves Christians. Whoever thinks himself deserving of GOD's acceptance on the basis of what he himself can do or give adheres to Cain's religion.

The student then continued,  Abel's religion, on the other hand, is more than just a religion. It means life. Abel offered a lamb, thereby confessing that he was a sinner and could obtain acceptance by GOD only on the ground of the death of an innocent victim. Abel knew that GOD had previously killed harmless animals to provide his parents with tunics of animal skin.  Abel's lamb was a pointer to the LORD JESUS CHRIST,  who once came to this earth and died on the cross, so that sinners everywhere might be saved. Now everyone can come to GOD, provided they wholeheartedly and humbly confess,  "I'm a sinner deserving death, FATHER GOD.  I have nothing to bring, but I rely on the blood of JESUS CHRIST that flowed even for me on the cross".

Which of these is your religion? GOD recognizes only one, Abel's.

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