Sunday, 12 May 2013

★ JESUS - YESHUA ... Greatest Of All!

Consider how great this man was.  Hebrews 7:4

While this verse directly refers to Melchizedec, Hebrews is a book of superlatives when it comes to CHRIST. Its purpose is to show how much greater The LORD JESUS CHRIST is than all who preceded HIM. In this epistle, we read much of CHRIST's greatness in contrast with the old order of things which was but a shadow of HIM and of the good things to come.

Each chapter in Hebrews highlights this exquisite theme:

In chapter one - HE is greater than the prophets and the angels.
In chapter two - HE is greater than Adam (compare with psalm 8).
In chapter three - HE is greater than Moses.
In chapter four - HE is greater than Joshua.
In chapter five - HE is greater than Aaron.
In chapter six - HE is greater than the basic principles of religion.
In chapter seven - HE is greater than the Levitical priesthood.
In chapter eight - HE is greater than the Old Covenant.
In chapter nine - HE is greater than the Tabernacle.
In chapter ten - HE is greater than the sacrifices and the offerings.
In chapter eleven - HE is greater than the Old Testament heroes.
In chapter twelve - HE is greater than Abel.
In chapter thirteen - HE is greater than the sin offering and greater than Jerusalem or any other earthly religious systems.

HE is greater
because HE is divine, un-created, self-existent, being one with the FATHER, by whom all things in heaven and on earth are created;
because all creatures,  whether human or angelic, are but created beings, created by JESUS and created for JESUS;
because HIS priesthood abides continually according to the power of an endless life;
because HIS sacrifice does not need to be repeated and is effectual in giving eternal redemption;
because even the most renowned heroes of the faith were failing men-- but HE FAILS NOT;
because the most venerable religious system in the world is nothing compared to HIM; 
because HE is the Great Shepherd; 
and because HIS covenant is eternal! 

This greatest divine being named JESUS, whose NAME is greater than all other names, the NAME before which angels fall prostrate and demons tremble,  is the NAME I worship. What about you?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    B. Reynolds

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