Tuesday, 11 June 2013

★ I Do My Best!

A born again Christian once asked a passer-by, "Are you saved?"
"I do my best!", was the reply.
"So do I", responded the Christian, "but not in order to be saved, but because I am!"

Countless people still believe that they can be saved by their good works. They admit that they cannot meet with GOD's approval as they are. This is a good sign : they do not belong to the mass who do not care and ignore the issue of GOD and eternity. But we human beings have a driving force within us, encouraging us to satisfy GOD in our own way. It has always been so. In some heathen religions it even went so far as to think one could reconcile the godhead; by sacrificing one's own children.

The error lies in the fact that GOD does not need to be reconciled to us : HE is not the enemy of man. We humans live in rebellion against HIM. So if GOD sometimes intervenes painfully in the life of individuals, HE does so to awaken and remind them of HIS claims on them. As a righteous JUDGE, HE must condemn evil, but HE is never against us.

We need to be reconciled to HIM. This can only happen through a fundamental change that must take place in us. It begins on our partby our confessing our sins before GOD and obtaining forgiveness and peace through faith in HIS SON, The LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

The salvation that is available for everyone who confesses the guilt of his life before GOD is a gift that cannot be obtained through good works, but solely by faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  On this matter anything that comes from ourselves is of no avail; GOD must be the giver.

Through salvation GOD gives us a totally new start. If anyone is in CHRIST, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (1 Corinthians 5:17). Seen spiritually, therefore, every  believer is a new creation,  the work of GOD created in CHRIST JESUS.

Created for what purpose?  For good works!  Only then does the Word of God speak of good works.  But they are not simply our own achievement s that we undertake independently of GOD. They have been prepared beforehand by HIM. And the believer can carry them out in the power of the new life that he has received. He does so, because this new life urges him to.

Now it is no longer a toilsome effort in the uncertain hope of deserving GOD's approval. It is joyful discipleship, following in the footsteps of the LORD JESUS, who glorified GOD on this earth and desires that HIS redeemed should take HIS place here. Good works, in GOD's view, are those thst we do, because we have been saved. 

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