Sunday, 14 July 2013


"But When HE, The SPIRIT of truth, comes, HE will guide you into all truth.  HE will not  speak on HIS own; HE will speak only what HE hears, and HE will tell you what is yet to come. HE will bring glory to ME by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." - John 16:13, 14

The HOLY SPIRIT glorifies JESUS by unfolding to HIS people JESUS' Person, character and work. The SPIRIT is the great  ministering agent between the Church  on earth and its glorified Head in heaven. HE carries up as The Intercessor the ever-recurring needs, trials, perplexities and sins of the believers which is seen in Romans 8:26, 27. Then HE receives out of CHRIST'S inexhaustible treasury of love, and returns to the people of the Church comfort for their sorrows,  strength for tgeir weakness, consolation for their tears and fulness for their emptiness.

The one sublime object of the SPIRIT's work, CHRIST says, is to "glorify ME". The SPIRIT tells us of CHRIST's love and delights in magnifying HIM in our affections. How faithful HE has been in HIS great office as the "Glorifier of JESUS"!  On the day if Pentecost,  Peter preached to the Jews with a demonstration of the HOLY SPIRIT and power that JESUS has been exalted"as Leader and SAVIOR, to give repentance to Israel and remission of sins" as seen in Acts 5:3. It is still the same peerless truth which The SPIRIT delights to unfold to the stricken sinner: the glorious beauties of CHRIST'S work.

Do you realize that any understanding you have had of the SAVIOR's glory and excellency is of the SPIRIT's impart ing? And in some hour of sorrow have you experienced the consolation of the thought of The Redeemer's sympathy  and sustaining power? This too is the work of The HOLY SPIRIT, taking the things of CHRIST and showing them to you. As you live your Christian life, seek to bear in mind that the SPIRIT alone is qualified to impart to you "THE EXCELLENCY OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST".

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             J. R. MacDuff

The convicting work of the HOLY SPIRIT is directed not only toward the unsaved but also operates in believers and the Church in order to teach, correct and guide them into truth.

The HOLY SPIRIT will speak to believers concerning
* Sin
* The righteousness of CHRIST and
* The judgement of evil.

And the HOLY SPIRIT does that in order to
* Conform them to CHRIST and HIS standard of righteousness.
* Guide them into all truth and
* Glorify CHRIST.

Thus, The HOLY SPIRIT works within believers to reproduce CHRIST'S holy life in their lives.

If SPIRIT-filled believers reject the SPIRIT's guidance and convicting work, and if they do not "by The SPIRIT .... put to death the misdeeds of the body" (Romans 8:13), then they will enter into condemnation. Only those who recieve the truth and are "led by the SPIRIT of GOD" are "sons of GOD" (Romans 8:14 ) and are able therefore able to continue in the SPIRIT's fullness. Sin destroys both the life and fulness of the HOLY SPIRIT within the believer.

The HOLY SPIRIT takes what is CHRIST'S and reveals it to the believer.  HE takes the presence,  love, forgiveness, redemption,  sanctification,  power, spiritual gifts, healing, and all that is ours through our faith relationship with CHRIST, and makes it experientially real in our lives. Through the SPIRIT,  JESUS returns to us to disclose HIS love, grace and personal fellowship.  The SPIRIT works within us to do what is necessary to awaken and deepen our awareness of JESUS' presence in our lives,  drawing our hearts toward HIM in faith, love, obedience, communion,  worship and praise.

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