Wednesday, 14 August 2013

★ The ONE and Only SAVIOR of Man!

GOD our Savior desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is ONE  GOD and ONE Mediator between GOD and man, the man JESUS CHRIST,  who gave HIMSELF as a ransom for all.  1 Timothy 2:3-6

Who is this Savior GOD? HE is The ONE True GOD,  who already revealed HIMSELF to HIS earthly people Israel, as a Savior and Liberator. Today HIS offer of salvation and freedom stands to all people from every nation. All need salvation,  and GOD is ready to save every individual.

Part of this salvation that GOD is willing to grant is also the knowledge of truth. It is an essential component of it, for whoever is unaware of the truth concerning himself will not acknowledge that he is a sinner and needs saving. Moreover, whoever does not know the truth about GOD will not believe that HE is holy and must punish sin. Nor will he believe that GOD is love, so that we can put our trust fully in HIM.

We learn about the truth concerning ourselves and the truth about GOD through JESUS CHRIST, The SON of GOD. And in HIS perfect life here on earth, we see how man should live. And in HIS atoning death we recognize GOD's holiness and love in the giving of HIS SON for us.

If I clearly recognize who I am and who GOD is, in this light, one thing becomes obvious: I have no possibility of bridging the infinite gap between myself and GOD that has arisen through my sins. But then GOD directs my attention to CHRIST,  The Mediator who has become our bridge to reach GOD, as it were. I have no means of paying my debt of guilt, but CHRIST has intervened as my guarantor.

The reason why God created man is this: When GOD created man, HE gave him the most favorable circumstances for a happy life on earth.  But man transgressed the only  commandment given him: Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit and thus failed the test of obedience. GOD had warned them and death entered as the termination of life; since then it has been man's ememy. The apostle Paul wrote: Through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned. (Romans 5:12)

Yet eternal life does exist! GOD provided a way out of this hopeless situation. The Bible testifies that by faith in  CHRIST alone, JESUS CHRIST,  The SON of GOD, everyone can obtain a new life and immortality.  But we must concede that we are sinners and confess our guilt before GOD. HE will then grant us this eternal life, which continues in the world beyond the grave, long after we have left this earth.

It is indeed only through JESUS CHRIST alone that we can attain eternal life henceforth,  i.e. know GOD as The ONE who loves us and wishes to make us HIS children. It is also only through JESUS that we can possess this life in abundance, this free gift of eternal life The Good  SHEPHERD grants HIS sheep. John 10:10 says that.

The tree of life was at the center of the garden of Eden. Is The LORD JESUS the very center of our life and our thoughts? GOD calls upon us to live by faith in fellowship with The LORD JESUS CHRIST and to find in HIM our joy and strength.

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