Thursday, 19 December 2013

♥ Do You Have The Assurance Of Heaven?

He who hears MY Word and believes in HIM who sent ME has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life, (John 5 : 24 ).

In the extensive area for hiking around the holiday resort where we were staying we met a local lady. She wanted to spend some meditative hours in the quietness of nature. Our conversation soon turned to JESUS CHRIST, The SON of GOD. With joy she told us what a support her faith gave her in life.

My wife and I clearly recognized that she loved The LORD JESUS sincerely, although she had some uncertainty as to her eternal Salvation was noticeable. So we asked her whether she was really sure of entering eternal glory after this life. "I hope so", was her answer.

Now the sayings of The LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF and the epistles in The New Testament leave us in no doubt whatsoever concerning the believers' eternal Salvation. We constantly find the assurance that Christians who have confessed their sins and believe in JESUS CHRIST and HIS atoning sacrifice can be absolutely sure of their Salvation while already here on earth and rejoice in the fact.

We drew the lady's attention to these Scriptures. The references to The BIBLE did her good. She was not so well acquainted with it, but she clearly sensed the fortifying power of The WORD Of GOD. We mentioned the encouraging words of the apostle Peter: "As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of The WORD", (1 Peter 2 : 2). This illustration of the nourishing and strengthening effect of The WORD Of GOD was at once obvious to her as a mother and a grandmother.

Taken from The Good Seed.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

♥ Do You Believe In Miracles?

I know that YOU can do everything, and that no purpose of YOURS can be withheld from YOU, (Job 42:2).
Why should it be thought incredible by you that GOD raises the dead, (Acts 26:8).

In 1937 the brilliant physicist, Max Planck, dared to assert: "Belief in miracles must give way to the constant advancement and the irreversible forces of science". Many share this point of view today, thinking that if someone believes in miracles, it is because he is ignorant of the laws of nature.

In fact, the very opposite is true: the first Christians knew very well that when someone has died, he does not come back to life. They were aware of the natural law of biological death. But they saw and heard the risen JESUS CHRIST. So they confirmed the fundamental miracle of Christianity.

It is honest to ask the question: "Is there a GOD? " when the progress of scientific research only proves more and more the extraordinary, admirable complexity of all that exists? This all has necessarily a Creator who withholds the secrets of its coherence, (Romans 1 : 20). And if there is a GOD who created everything: matter, reason, time, space and all the laws of nature, then miracles are possible. GOD is free to intervene in HIS creation. HE does so through the laws of nature and in exceptional cases, through miracles. ALL IS SUBJECT TO HIS AUTHORITY. ALL! Even the demons shudder at the thought of hearing that NAME which is above all names.

What was the greatest miracle? It was the miracle of love. GOD became Man in JESUS CHRIST, who then died on the cross to save all who put their faith in HIM from death and judgment. But HE was resurrected and now HE lives for ever and ever. And HE answers the prayers of those who trust in HIM.

Taken from The Good Seed.

★ Do You Want To Be Free?

Do you want to be free and liberated. If yes, then the only way one can achieve that is through JESUS CHRIST. Mark 5:13-20 shows us a very important truth.

The demons had to obey JESUS' commandment. But they immediately continued their destructive activity by driving a herd of swine into the sea. Appalled, the herdsmen reported everywhere what had happened, and many came to see JESUS and the man who had been freed.

The man was sitting with The LORD properly dressed and "in his right mind". This is normal when someone is freed from Satan's bondage and sin: his reason does not decline but rather benefits. This is seen, for example, in his new interest in the truth and the ability to understand it and act accordingly.

The observers, on the other hand, showed no gratitude or joy over this miracle, but fear - fear of the Liberator, not fear of the oppressor!  Fear of the transformation when the freedom brings true life! Fear of the security of their possessions! That is what Satan does. Fear put in our hearts by Satan is nothing but False Evidence Appearing Real!  We do not know their motives, but their reaction must shock us: they would rather remain in the bondage of sin than enter the glorious liberty of the children of GOD. They were ill at ease in JESUS' presence;  so they ask HIM to leave their region.

Although the man who had been healed was not only made free from the demons but had found true faith in JESUS CHRIST, the people of his district rejected JESUS. The man himself wanted to be with JESUS and accompany HIM like HIS disciples.

The LORD could not agree to his request;  He had another mission for him. The healed man had a family who must have suffered through his trouble and his absence. There was his place and his duty. How glad they must have been when they noticed the fundamental, lasting change in him. What interest they will have shown to discover how JESUS had freed him.

The man obeyed JESUS. He reported what The LORD had done for him not only in his family but in the entire province. The inhabitants had asked JESUS to leave despite having the proof before their very eyes that JESUS is truly The ONE who can set people free.

JESUS of Nazareth  ... went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for GOD was with HIM, (Acts 10 : 38).

Taken from The Good Seed.

♥ Take This Warning Seriously!

He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning, (Ezekiel 33:5).

Take this warning seriously because time is running out, and the end is at hand!

Because of a long period of heavy rainfall the level of the river flowing through the city of El Playon in Columbia rose so rapidly in a short time that the inhabitants had to flee. After a few days, however, the level had fallen to a very low level, so that they could return to their homes.

One inhabitant became suspicious that this sudden calm might be a sign of a threatening flood. Could masses of stones, mud and even uprooted trees have formed a kind of dam somewhere which at any moment might collapse under the pressure of the water? He felt compelled to rush through the town shouting, "Get to safety! The danger is not yet past!" Many heeded the warning, left their possessions behind them and sought higher ground. Others did not take it so seriously and even joked about it. A terrible roaring sound indeed soon broke out and vast masses of water flowed through the town. Houses collapsed, many people were swept away and drowned in the floods.

Today The LORD JESUS gives us all an early warning of the judgement of the world, in The HOLY BIBLE. So we are called to "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out", (Acts 3:19). There are already plenty of indications of HIS coming judgement. GOD is indeed longsuffering and still exercises patience, but this should not lead us to ignore HIS admonition.

"The LORD is ... longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance", (2 Peter 3 : 9).

Taken from The Good Seed.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

♥♥♥ In The NAME Of The PRINCE!

Brethren, having boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of JESUS ..... let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, (Hebrews 10: 19, 22).

Through him we ... have access by one Spirit to the Father, (Ephesians 2:18).

A poorly dressed man presented himself at the gate of the royal palace. He asked to see the King, handing one of the guards a letter. What impudence! What right had he to claim an audience with the king? The guard eventually took the letter to the king. He returned with the message that the king urgently wished to see the man. What was in the letter?, Thought the guard, that made the king want to urgently see poorly dressed man.

In the letter was a simple message in the king's son's handwriting. It said, "Father, this man comes on my behalf." The man was taken to see the King who came forward to meet him without paying any attention to his shabby clothes.

"Your Majesty, I have come from a far country where I made the acquaintance of your son. He saved my life and said, "Go and see my father, and give him this letter. I know that he will welcome you, because I am his only son!"

The king after reading his son's letter told the poorly dressed man, "From now on you will be at home here. I shall treat you like my own son".

This is exactly how we can approach GOD. HE is the ALMIGHTY, HOLY GOD. If things depended on our conduct we should have no more chance of being admitted to HIS HOLY Presence than the poor man without his letter. But the only sure way of approaching GOD is only through the work of HIS Precious SON, JESUS CHRIST, on the cross. By simple faith in HIM we are deemed worthy of acceptance by GOD because of HIS beloved SON. We come to GOD in HIS name and are received as sent by HIS SON. More than that, GOD adopts us and loves as HIS own SON. Such is HIS marvellous grace.

Taken from The Good Seed.

How is it that we can go boldly to our Holy ABBA FATHER's Throne without being totally destroyed because of our sins. We do so by believing in JESUS CHRIST and HIS atoning work on the cross for us. We become justified, just as if we have not sinned, by believing in JESUS CHRIST. So now when we approach The Throne of GOD, GOD sees HIS precious SON's blood on them that believe. HE sees that we are cleansed in that Perfect Blood of JESUS. So we stand justified(just as if we have never sinned) before The LORD GOD and that is possible only because of JESUS CHRIST.

In the Old Testament times, the priests could enter the Most Holy Place in the temple only with the blood of bulls and rams. But after JESUS gave up HIS perfect life as a sacrifice for our sins on the cross by shedding HIS blood, we can approach GOD's throne justified, just as if we have not sinned. But we can do so only if we believe in JESUS CHRIST and repent earnestly for our sins and are born-again.

Inspired by The HOLY SPIRIT.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

★ How Much Longer?

What is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away, (James 4 : 14).

Years, months, weeks and days go by, even the minutes of our life tick past unrelentingly, so that, however old we may be, the time remaining is constantly being reduced. How much longer have we? We cannot tell. But that ought to urge us to prepare for the time when we have to face The LORD JESUS CHRIST, The JUDGE of all the earth, to whom we have to give account. HE HIMSELF has told us to prepare to meet The ONE And Only True GOD, The ADONAI, The I AM! (Amos 4:12). How can we do so? By anticipating the judgement, i.e. by confessing that one is a sinner and accepting GOD's forgiveness that is available freely only at the cross of JESUS through HIS shed blood. That is the Salvation that JESUS CHRIST procured for us through HIS work on The Cross.

Born-again Christians know no more than anyone else when their life on earth will end. But they can fearlessly face death, because they are prepared. The judgement awaiting them was borne by another, their Redeemer JESUS CHRIST.

That takes away the sting of death for them, for death is then not a great disaster but the entrance to a glorious future in eternity with their SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. It is not the loss of all that was precious to them here, but actually taking possession of all the heavenly blessings that are reserved for them. They await the moment with joy.

Death is the door through which a born-again believer passes to enter eternal glory, eternal rest, eternal peace and lasting, unclouded joy.

Taken from The Good Seed.

♥ ADONAI's WORDS Have Life And Power! I Challenge You To Try Using It!

In the day when I cried out, YOU answered me and made me bold with strength in my soul. The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; YOUR mercy, O LORD, endures for ever, (Psalm 138 : 3, 8).

During the second World War, in April 1943, the Scottish priest, Donald Caskie, was imprisoned for assisting allied soldiers to flee from France. He later wrote this of his imprisonment.

-It was an extremely humiliating experience that could easily lead one to despair. But my knowledge of The BIBLE preserved me. Now his BIBLE had been confiscated, but he said, I had it in my heart and in my memory, and that supported my faith, my spirit and my mental balance.

In another prison Caskie saw the names of numerous prisoners scratched on the walls of his cell. He added the following:Thus says The LORD, Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are MINE. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you and when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, (Isaiah 43 : 1 - 2). With these words he thought of other prisoners and prayed that GOD might grant them peace.

In yet another prison an inmate told Caskie his story: I was about to put an end to my life to escape torture, when I discovered some words on the wall of my cell that stopped me and gave me comfort and strength. I shall never forget those words. They were the verses that Caskie had scratched on the wall. GOD had heard his prayer, and HIS WORD had yet again proved its life-giving power.

Taken from The Good Seed.

GOD's Words have power. They are living and active and is sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart, (Hebrews 4:12).


Taken from The HOLY BIBLE and put here at HIS command. Amen!

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

★ Tolerance!

In today's world tolerance is one of the highest virtues in many countries. It is praised as an indispensable pre-requisite for a harmonious life among human beings and as an antidote against fanaticism, prejudice and discrimination. The opposite, intolerance, is certainly the cause of many quarrels and disputes in human society and between nations.

We must, however, concede one thing: we are quite willing to be tolerant in questions that hardly concern us, but much less so as soon as things affect us personally. Moreover, nobody likes being just tolerated. We prefer being recognized by other people for our convictions and way of living.

What does The BIBLE have to say on this subject? It commands us to show a true interest in our neighbor and love them as ourselves. That means respecting them, not forcing our opinions on them and permitting them to make their own decisions, without being indifferent as to how they think or act.

However, any true interest will encourage us, as believers to speak of our faith to others and wish that we might share it with them. GOD recognizes no other means of Salvation than a confession of sins and faith in HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST. This is a message of the greatest importance that we would like to pass on to all around us, because we show respect for them and are aware of their value to GOD.

Taken from The Good Seed.

♥♥♥ Life After Death! Choose While You Still Have Time!

A man dies and is laid away; indeed he breathes his last and where is he? (Job 14 : 10 ).

The death of her mother made a woman start thinking. So one evening she asked her husband, What do you think happens after death? - Nothing! It's simply the finality of everything: all is over and done with!  - But my friend says things do go on after death. She believes in eternal life that is available only in JESUS.

Her husband became somewhat indignant: Susie goes to Church. There they believe that sort of thing. The conversation continued for a while. The woman refused to leave things at that. Finally she said, If it is really true that life goes on after death, and that this life decides what things look like afterwards, then it really does matter how I live my life here. THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES! Can't you understand that?

Her husband replied, I can understand it much better than you think! But I simply put it out of my mind. I must, or I couldn't go on living as I do at present. And with that remark he finished the conversation and left the house.

Whoever wishes to live apart from GOD at all costs is forced to suppress any thought of GOD and eternity. Or else he goes further, as often happens nowadays, and tries to ridicule and thus overcome the thought.

Yet on the side of The VICTOR, JESUS will stand only those who think otherwise and take another course: they turn to CHRIST JESUS, acknowledging HIM as The LORD of their life. And when they turn to JESUS CHRIST, HE grants them their part in HIS Victory over sin, death and the devil.

Taken from The Good Seed.

And for them who don't turn to JESUS CHRIST for forgiveness and salvation, they will be send to judgement and hell where the burning Sulphur and fire consumes them. In hell one dies continuously without actually dying. The BIBLE says there will be eternal torment.

What is hell like? Hell,
where the fire never goes out,
where once you land up there, you can never get out, (Luke 16:24)
where there are maggots that never die and that eat you, (Isaiah 66:24)
where the fiery lake of burning Sulphur will be our bed and blanket,
where you will find scary demons and monsters and of course Satan. (Revelation 20 : 10)
Hell was initially made for the devil and his angels.

In short, my dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS, hell is the most horrible place. Unless you believe in JESUS CHRIST and are born again you will end up in hell. The only way to heaven is JESUS CHRIST! Without JESUS, hell  WILL  be your end destination. The choice is yours to make. The facts are laid before you. So please choose wisely and choose fast.

There is no other name under heaven except that of JESUS CHRIST given to man by which we must be saved, for JESUS says, I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No man comes to the FATHER except through ME, (John 14 : 6 ).

Inspired by The HOLY GHOST!