Wednesday, 4 December 2013

★ How Much Longer?

What is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away, (James 4 : 14).

Years, months, weeks and days go by, even the minutes of our life tick past unrelentingly, so that, however old we may be, the time remaining is constantly being reduced. How much longer have we? We cannot tell. But that ought to urge us to prepare for the time when we have to face The LORD JESUS CHRIST, The JUDGE of all the earth, to whom we have to give account. HE HIMSELF has told us to prepare to meet The ONE And Only True GOD, The ADONAI, The I AM! (Amos 4:12). How can we do so? By anticipating the judgement, i.e. by confessing that one is a sinner and accepting GOD's forgiveness that is available freely only at the cross of JESUS through HIS shed blood. That is the Salvation that JESUS CHRIST procured for us through HIS work on The Cross.

Born-again Christians know no more than anyone else when their life on earth will end. But they can fearlessly face death, because they are prepared. The judgement awaiting them was borne by another, their Redeemer JESUS CHRIST.

That takes away the sting of death for them, for death is then not a great disaster but the entrance to a glorious future in eternity with their SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. It is not the loss of all that was precious to them here, but actually taking possession of all the heavenly blessings that are reserved for them. They await the moment with joy.

Death is the door through which a born-again believer passes to enter eternal glory, eternal rest, eternal peace and lasting, unclouded joy.

Taken from The Good Seed.

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