Do you want to be free and liberated. If yes, then the only way one can achieve that is through JESUS CHRIST. Mark 5:13-20 shows us a very important truth.
The demons had to obey JESUS' commandment. But they immediately continued their destructive activity by driving a herd of swine into the sea. Appalled, the herdsmen reported everywhere what had happened, and many came to see JESUS and the man who had been freed.
The man was sitting with The LORD properly dressed and "in his right mind". This is normal when someone is freed from Satan's bondage and sin: his reason does not decline but rather benefits. This is seen, for example, in his new interest in the truth and the ability to understand it and act accordingly.
The observers, on the other hand, showed no gratitude or joy over this miracle, but fear - fear of the Liberator, not fear of the oppressor! Fear of the transformation when the freedom brings true life! Fear of the security of their possessions! That is what Satan does. Fear put in our hearts by Satan is nothing but False Evidence Appearing Real! We do not know their motives, but their reaction must shock us: they would rather remain in the bondage of sin than enter the glorious liberty of the children of GOD. They were ill at ease in JESUS' presence; so they ask HIM to leave their region.
Although the man who had been healed was not only made free from the demons but had found true faith in JESUS CHRIST, the people of his district rejected JESUS. The man himself wanted to be with JESUS and accompany HIM like HIS disciples.
The LORD could not agree to his request; He had another mission for him. The healed man had a family who must have suffered through his trouble and his absence. There was his place and his duty. How glad they must have been when they noticed the fundamental, lasting change in him. What interest they will have shown to discover how JESUS had freed him.
The man obeyed JESUS. He reported what The LORD had done for him not only in his family but in the entire province. The inhabitants had asked JESUS to leave despite having the proof before their very eyes that JESUS is truly The ONE who can set people free.
JESUS of Nazareth ... went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for GOD was with HIM, (Acts 10 : 38).
Taken from The Good Seed.
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