Wednesday, 30 October 2013

♥ Are You Mentioned In The BIBLE? I Am!

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief. 1 Timothy 1:15

During the time of colonialism, a European who had settled at the Cape of Good Hope saw a black man reading the BIBLE. Scornfully he remarked, "The Book is not for the likes of you".

"Yes it is, sir,"was the reply. - "How do you know that? " - "Because my name occurs in it." - "Your name? How come? Where is it? " - "Here, " retorted the black man, pointing to the words of our verse: CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners. "That's me, a sinner! That's why the book is for me, too."

In today's verse Paul designates himself as the "chief", that is, the most prominent of sinners.

This verdict on himself expresses the immense change that took place in his heart. Previously in his religious zeal he had persecuted JESUS CHRIST's true disciples to the point of death. But then the LORD JESUS HIMSELF appeared to him and he was overwhelmed by HIS Glory. He had thought he should annihilate CHRIST'S followers. Then he found his SAVIOR on the way to Damascus and confessed faith in HIM, the LORD of Glory.

From this moment his entire life was devoted to his LORD and Redeemer in unmitigated gratitude. His mission was to preach CHRIST as the SAVIOR to many nations.

The unknown black man at the Cape of Good Hope and the apostle Paul had one thing in common: Both recognized themselves as sinners and both found forgiveness and salvation in JESUS CHRIST.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

★ F E A R Found Its Entry Into Us Through Sin!

This statement of Adam's, the first human being, could serve as a title over the life of all his offspring. People are afraid;  they are afraid of both life and death. They are afraid because of their past and fear for the future. They fear other people, silence and loneliness. The list could be continued ad infinitum.

What is the basic reason for it?  We discover it on the first pages of the BIBLE. GOD created man free of any anxiety, wanting fellowship with HIM. But when the first human couple wished to lead their life according to their own dictates, independently of GOD, sin entered the world and separated mankind from GOD. That caused his fear. Fear caused by his dis-obedience and fear of imminent punishment. The first thing Adam said to GOD after the fall was, I was afraid. It was a new experience for him, but since then fear has followed on the heels of everybody.

GOD does not want man to be the slave of his fear. HE shows us the way of escape to be free from the pressure of fear. JESUS CHRIST is the Way.

The SON of GOD became Man and entered this world of fear to remove its cause,  separation from GOD, The FATHER. To do so, HE was forsaken by GOD and judged on the cross of calvary as the substitute for guilty man. There in the three hours of darkness from midday, HE underwent fear and anguish in a measure unimaginable to man. HE cried out, MY GOD,  MY GOD, why have you forsaken me?  HE suffered all in our place in order to release those who through fear of death were for all their lifetime subject to bondage (Hebrews 2:15). Thus HE became The SAVIOR and helper for all who entrusted themselves to HIM.

If this article has touched you, please leave a comment to let us know how it has helped you.

♥ WARNING! Time To Settle Accounts Is At Hand!

WARNING!  Time to settle accounts is at hand. No one is exempted from it. And to the rich, don't think you are free because you owe no one. You will have a bigger score to settle. So BEWARE!

A farmer in The U.S. state of Illinois once wrote this letter to the editor of the local weelky newspaper:

Dear Sir, I have carried out this experiment. I own a field of maize and plowed it on a Sunday. I did all the work on it on Sunday's. I reaped the field and brought in the harvest on a Sunday. I have discovered that this October I have harvested more per acre than all my neighbors.

The editor of the newspaper was not known to be at all religious. The farmer had assumed that he would sympathize with his derisive attitude. The letter was published word to word in the following edition. Underneath, in capital letters, was the editor's comment:


Not always in October, but the day will come when our life's account will have to be settled with HIM. That is what motivates Christians to persuade people urgently to be reconciled to GOD through JESUS CHRIST.

The 10 Commandments that our GOD gave us is still important for us today. The farmer had deliberately broken the commandment about keeping the Sabbath day holy, and that 6 days we could work hard but rest on the 7th day. It was to be a day of rest for all, man and beast alike.  And GOD had our welfare in mind when HE wanted us to rest. We think these laws are silly and it curbs our freedom and we make tiny modifications to them everytime, and before we know it, we end up totally breaking them.

We follow rules that pertains to our dressing, our behavior, our hair styles, etc. however silly they are, that are set up in our workplaces, our educational institutions, our homes, our churches, etc. Almost every place we go to have rules set up and we follow them whether we like them or not. Why then do we take our GOD's commands lightly. We are in service to the KING of kings AND LORD of lords. We must consider it our greatest honor to do what OUR MASTER and LORD JESUS CHRIST did in obedience to The ONE and Only true GOD, HIS FATHER and ours. Let us make no modifications to the laws our MAKER has set before us. Only we stand to gain if we follow these commandments. The BIBLE says, if we follow these laws, our days  and the days of our children will be many in the land and ADONAI will bless us to a 1000 generations, of those who love and follow the commandments that GOD has given us.

We must all appear before the judgement seat of JESUS CHRIST, that each one may recieve the things done in the body, whether good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the LORD, for them who forsake GOD's message of salvation through JESUS CHRIST, we persuade men. We implore you on CHRIST'S behalf, BE RECONCILED TO GOD, (2 Corinthians 5:10, 11, 20).

If this article has touched you, please leave a comment to let us know how it has helped you.

♥ Please Choose JESUS Or Else Hell is Guaranteed!

GOD may speak in one way or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then HE opens the ears of men.  Job: 33:14-16

In Job's day it was not a rare thing for GOD to speak to the people by means of dreams. Today, however, we have The HOLY SPIRIT, The BIBLE, in its entirety. We need to pay attention to it: in this way GOD gives us guidelines and guidance for our life.

It can happen that GOD speaks to someone through a dream even today, possibly because he does not know the BIBLE or refuses to listen to it. This was the case with Jack Catchpole, a man I knew who had succumbed to alcohol and evil.

Moved with emotion he told me that in prison he once had a terrible dream at the age of 59. Surrounded by roaring, howling creatures he was sliding down a slippery slope with countless other people. In his panic he asked one of them, "Where are we? " -"Don't you know? "was the reply, "Another 15 feet and we are in hell". In his agony Jack cried out loudly in the dream, "LORD, save me!" He was pulled out of the crowd and found himself lying on his bed trembling.

Next morning the other prisoners in his cell asked him, "What's the matter with you? You screamed like a madman." He answered, "So would you have done if you were only 15 feet from hell!" Then he told them his dream and what had also happened to him: he had actually found his SAVIOR in JESUS CHRIST. They laughed derisively, thinking he would soon be himself again. But it was not to be. For the rest of his life the change was so visible and marked that they called him "Happy Jack".

We might not have such a dramatic vision of what hell would be like as Jack had, but it is suffice to say that there are many warnings given to us about hell and the horrors found there, in the written WORD of GOD. If we would only pay heed!

My dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS, hell was made for the devil and his angels, not for man. But if we continue to reject our JESUS CHRIST and HIS free gift to Salvation, which can only be attained by our honest repentance and utmost faith in HIS work on the cross, That JESUS, who is our ONLY ticket to heaven, then The BIBLE tells us that we too would surely end up in hell.

If this article has touched you, please leave a comment to let us know how it has helped you.

Monday, 28 October 2013

★ What's Your Password?

Many business houses and office buildings are closed to the public. Admission is granted only to persons who know the password and possess an identity card.

That makes me think of Heaven. Principally, GOD would like everyone to be saved for heaven: GOD our SAVIOR, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is ONE GOD and ONE Mediator between GOD and men, the man JESUS CHRIST, who gave HIMSELF a ransom for all ( 1 Timothy 2 : 3 - 6). That is GOD's side of the issue.

Now what is man's side? JESUS CHRIST is the Mediator. HE said of HIMSELF: I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No-one comes to The FATHER except through ME (John 14:6), and I am the Door. If anyone enters by by me, he will be saved (John 10:9).In a certain sense JESUS CHRIST is the password to enter heaven? There is no other possibility to be saved and become a child of GOD except through JESUS CHRIST.

However, a mere knowledge of this NAME and this PERSON is insufficient. Many people know very well who JESUS CHRIST is. They also know that HIS sayings are recorded in the BIBLE. Nevertheless they are lost for eternity. Why?  Their personal identification is lacking. The LORD JESUS CHRIST will say of them, I do not know you, (Matthew 25:12). Why? They have never personally believed in HIM as their SAVIOR. The fact that the LORD died for them and their sins, on the cross, has never affected them. Personal faith in JESUS alone and trusting in the work of redemption that HE accomplished saves one for heaven.

Being born in a Christian home, being a regular Church-goer and doing good deeds WILL NOT get you to Heaven. Being born-again and believing in JESUS as your SAVIOR and having the utmost faith in what HE did for you on the cross, taking your place is what will get you to Heaven.

♥ Light And Darkness!

I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. -John 8:12

In the depths of the African jungle a missionary and his assistant visited a heathen village. It was not only reputed for its marked cult of idolatry; it also housed a seminary for sorcerers, whose novices were taught illegal practices that were by all accounts dangerous.

The two witnesses of the Gospel were not   deterred by that. They felt that they had the commission to bring the good news of JESUS CHRIST to the village chieftain. The blacks all listened to the missionary, and when he had finished his preaching, the chieftain spoke up saying: You have said that you are bringing light, because we are in darkness. The last thing we want is light so that people can see what we are up to. We feel perfectly well in the darkness and want to remain in it. Another member of the tribe declared, I endorse the words of our chief. A third speaker added, We are too old to change our ways. The fourth made the excuse, We are too stupid anyway. And the fifth person said, Let's wait.

Then two young people of about fifteen years of age jumped up and shouted, We have had enough of darkness. We long for light and salvation.

With YOU is the fountain of life; in YOUR light we see light. -Psalm 36:9

Send out your light and YOUR truth! Let them lead me. - Psalm 43:3

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

★ Prepare To Meet The One and Only SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST!

Prepare to meet your GOD! -Amos 4:12

In his book,  Long for This World, Jonathan Weiner writes about science's promise to radically extend how long we live. At the center of the book is English scientist Aubrey De Grey, who predicts that science will one day offer us 1000- year lifespans. Aubrey claims that molecular biology has finally placed a cure for aging within our reach.

But what difference does it make if, after living a 1000 years, we will eventually die anyway?  De Grey's prediction only postpones facing the ultimate question of what happens when we die. It does not answer it.

The Scriptures tell us that death is not the end of our existence. Instead, we are assured that everyone will stand before JESUS CHRIST-believers for their works and nonbelievers for their rejection of HIM, (John 5:25-29; Revelation 20:11-15). All of us are sinners and in need of forgiveness. And only JESUS CHRIST's death on the cross has provided forgiveness for all who believe, (Romans 3:23; 6:23). The BIBLE says, "It is appointed for all men to die once, but after this to face judgment", (Hebrews 9:27).

Our appointed face-to-face encounter with JESUS CHRIST puts everything in perspective. So whether we live 70 years or 1000, the issue of eternity is the same: "Prepare to meet your GOD!" (Amos 4:12). -Dennis Fisher

What matters more than the length of life
Is where you'll spend eternity;
If you have placed your faith in CHRIST JESUS,
Then heaven's glory you surely will see.  -Sper

Only those who have placed their faith in JESUS CHRIST are prepared to meet their MAKER and live eternally in Heaven. For the rest a painful and torturous HELL awaits.

♥ Keeping The Wonder!

On a recent trip, my wife was seated near a mother with a young boy on his first flight. As the plane took off, he exclaimed, "Mom, look how high we are!  And everything is getting smaller! "  A few minutes later he shouted, "Are those clouds down there?  What are they doing under us?"  As time passed, other passengers read, dozed, and lowered their window shades to watch the in-flight video. This boy, however, remained glued to the window, absorbed in the wonder of all he was seeing.

For "experienced travelers" in the Christian life,  there can be great danger in loosing the wonder. The Scriptures that once thrilled us may become more familiar and academic. We may fall into the lethargy of praying with our minds but not our hearts.

Peter urged the early followers of JESUS CHRIST to continue growing in their faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love,(2 Peter 1:5-7). He said,  "If these things are yours and abound (or are increasing), you will neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST", (2 Peter 1:8). Without them we become blind and forget the marvel of being cleansed from our sins, ( 2 Peter 1:9).

May GOD grant us all the grace to keep growing in the wonder of knowing HIM.  -David McCasland

On such love, my soul, still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free;
Say, while lost in holy wonder,
"Why, O LORD, such love to me?" -Kent

Continual growing and knowledge in JESUS CHRIST comes from a deepening love and passion toward HIM.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

♥ Will Patriotism Get Us To Heaven?

Greater love hath no man than this , that a man lay down his life for another.  John 15:13

When nations are engaged in deadly strife, it is common for Patriots to declare that he who gives his life for the defense of his country may be certain of a home in heaven because of having made the supreme sacrifice. Patriotism is a virtue of which any man may well be proud. But patriotism, praiseworthy as it is from a human standpoint, will never fit the soul for the presence of GOD. It can never wash away the guilt of sin.

The testimony of Edith Cavell, the brave British nurse who was killed by the Germans during the First World War, is well worth considering in this connection. From August 19 14 until August 1915, Nurse Cavell helped to care for wounded French, Belgian, English and German soldiers alike. She ministered faithfully even to those who had fallen while fighting against her own nation. She was caught conveying Allied soldiers to Britain and immediately arrested and was sentenced to face a firing squad. All her kindness to the German wounded was forgotten.

Just before the bandage was placed over her eyes, as she stood facing the soldiers who were about to take her life, she gave a message to the world. "I am glad", she said,  "to die for my country. But as I stand here I realize as never before that patriotism is not enough". Then she went on to give a clear, definite testimony of her personal faith in The LORD JESUS CHRIST and her assurance of salvation, not through the laying down her life for others but because HE had laid down HIS life for her. In perfect composure she then submitted to the firing squad's bullets. Her words,  "Patriotism is not enough to get to heaven", have spoken loudly over the years-yet many forget this.  "What more is needed? ", you may ask.  The answer is "CHRIST"!


-H. A. Ironside

★ Are You Allowing The Birds To Build Their Nests In Your Hair!

The WORD of GOD is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and penetrating to the division of soul and spirit, both of joints and marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Hebrews 4:12

Let no one suppose that one's thoughts are not known to The LORD, for HE has a window into the closest closet of the soul, a window to which we supposedly think there are no shutters. As we watch bees in a glass hive, so does the eye of The LORD see us. The BIBLE says, "Hell and destruction are before The LORD: How much more then the hearts of the children of men? "

But some will say that they cannot help having bad thoughts: that may be so, but the question really is,  "Do you hate them or not? " We cannot help the birds flying over our heads, but we may keep them from building their nests in our hair. Vain thoughts will knock at the door, but we must not open to them. Though sinful thoughts rise, they must not reign.  He who turns a morsel over and over in his mouth does not do so because he likes the flavor;  and he who meditates upon evil, loves it and is ripe to commit to it. THINK OF THE DEVIL AND HE WILL APPEAR; TURN YOUR THOUGHTS TOWARDS SIN,  AND YOUR HANDS WILL SOON FOLLOW.

Snails leave their slime behind them,  so do vain thoughts. An arrow may fly through the air and leave no trace, but an ill thought always leaves a trail like a serpant. Where there is much traffic of bad thinking,  there will be much mire and durt; every wave of wicked thought adds something to the corruption which rots upon the shore of life.

To keep the chaff out of a bushel,  one sure plan is to fill it full of wheat; and to keep out vain thoughts it is wise and prudent to have the mind stored with choice subjects for meditation; these are easy to find, and we should never be without them.

- Charles H. Spurgeon

Saturday, 19 October 2013

★ Heavy Lifting!

Come to ME, all you who labor and are heavy-laden. Matthew 11:28

One day I found my son straining to lift a pair of four-pound barbells over his head - an ambitious feat for a toddler. He had raised them only a few inches off the ground, but his eyes were determined and his face was pink with effort. I offered to help, and together we heaved the weight up toward the ceiling. The heavy lifting that was so hard for him was easy for me.

JESUS has this perspective on the stuff that's hard for us to manage. When life seems like a carousel of catastrophes, JESUS isn't fazed by a fender-bender, troubled by a tooth-ache, or harassed by a heated argument-even if it all happens in one day! HE can handle anything, and that is why HE said, "Come to ME, all you who labor and are heavy-laden". (Matthew 11:28)

Are you worn out from ongoing problems?
Are you weighed down with stress and worry?
JESUS CHRIST is the only real solution.  Approaching the LORD JESUS in prayer allows us to cast our burdens on HIM so that HE can sustain us, (psalm 55:22). Today ask HIM to assist you with everything. By helping you with your burdens, HE can supply rest for your soul,  for HIS yolk is easy and HIS burden is light, (Matthew 11:29-30). - Jennifer Benson Schuldt

O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to GOD in prayer. - Scriven

Prayer is the place where burdens change shoulders.

♥ Failure To Discipline!

No chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields t the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Hebrews 12:11

We live in the woods, so we get very little prolonged sunlight in the summer. But we love fresh tomatoes, so I decided to try growing them in pots set in a few sunny spots.

The plants started to grow right away and really fast. I was thrilled-until I realized that their fast growth was due to their efforts to reach out to the limited sunlight. By the time I figured out what was happening, the plants were too heavy to support themselves. I found some stakes, lifted the plant carefully, and fastened them in an upright position. Even though I tried to be gentle, one of the twisted branches broke when I tried to straighten it.

This reminded me that discipline must begin before the character is permanently bent or twisted. Eli, the priest had two sons whom he failed to discipline. When their wickedness got so bad that he could no longer ignore it, he tried gentle rebuke (1 Samuel 2:24, 25). But it was too late, and GOD announced the dire consequences: "I will judge Eli's house forever for the iniquity which he knows,  because his sons made themselves vile, and he did not restrain them"
(1 Samuel 3:13).

Being straightened out is painful, but being left crooked will ultimately hurt even more. - Julie Ackerman Link

LORD, even though it's painful, we're thankful that
YOU, in love, discipline us as your children.
Help us to respond with repentance and obedience
To your ways. Amen.

GOD's love confronts and corrects.

Friday, 18 October 2013

★ Our Sixth Sense: Our Conscience!

So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before GOD and man.  Acts 24:16

Can it be said that our conscience is a measuring instrument within us that indicates what is good and what is not? Yes,  but only to a certain extent!

A master builder accused of slack workmanship on a building project retorted: I have a clear conscience. Yet his assertion did not in any way alter the verdict of the judge, who answered, Your conscience is clearly different from mine.

Our conscience is the moral sense of what is right or wrong;  it is part of our essential nature like our understanding and our will. It is an inner admonishing voice. But it is neither absolute nor unfailingly reliable. It needs rules to go by, just as a ship's captain needs a compass on the high seas.

Our compass is The BIBLE, The written WORD of The Living GOD. GOD is of purer eyes than to behold evil.  Habakkuk 1:13. And the BIBLE shows us what HE regards as sin. However, it also gives us the remedy through the atoning work of JESUS CHRIST on the cross. For all who are justified through faith in JESUS CHRIST, there is therefore now no condemnation as its said in Romans 8:1. So our conscience is a kind of sixth sense. If it is supported by The WORD Of GOD, it enables the believer to judge everything in GOD's light: all his deeds, thoughts and innermost motives.


♥ Papa Didn't Say "Oh"!

The LORD is gracious and full of compassion. Psalm 145:8

I have a friend who was working in his home office one evening, trying to get necessary paperwork done. His little girl, who was about 4 years old at the time, was playing around his desk, puttering about, moving objects here and there, pulling out drawers, and making a good deal of noise.

My friend endured the distraction with stoic patience until the child slammed a drawer on one of her little fingers and screamed in pain. Reacting in exasperation,  he shouted, "That's it!" As he escorted her out of the room and shut the door.

Later, her mother found her weeping in her bedroom and tried to comfort her. "Does your finger still hurt?", she asked. "No," The little girl sniffled. "Then why are you still crying? ", her mother asked. "Cause ", she whimpered,  "When I hurt my finger, Papa didn't say,  'Oh!' "

Sometimes that's all we need, isn't it? Someone who cares and who will respond with kindness and compassion, someone who will say,"Oh!" We have ONE named JESUS CHRIST who does that for us.

JESUS loves us,  understands our sorrows, and gave HIMSELF for us (Ephesians 5:2). Now we are to "walk in love" and imitate HIM.

Taken from the daily devotionals,  Our Daily Bread. This article is written by David Roper.

Knowing GOD-what comfort there,
Drawn by HIS eternal care;
Love from GOD-what joy we share,
Drawn into HIS mercies rare.     - Branon

GOD's whisper of comfort quiets the noise of our trials.

★ Character At Play!

HIS divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness. 2 Peter 1:3

A college football coach in the Bronx,  New York,  built his team around good character qualities. Instead of displaying their names on the back of their jerseys, the Maritime college players displayed words like family, respect, accountability and character. Before each game, coach Clayton Kendrick-Holmes reminded his team to play by those principles on the field.

The apostle Peter had his own list of Christian qualities (2 Peter 1:5-7) that he encouraged believers to add to their life of faith:

Virtue                          : Fulfilling GOD's design for a life with moral excellence.
Knowledge                 : Studying GOD's word to gain wisdom to combat falsehood.
Self-control              : Revering GOD so much that we choose godly behavior.
Perseverance            : Having a hopeful attitude even in difficulties because we're confident in GOD's character.
Godliness                    : Honoring The LORD in every relationship in life.
Brotherly Kindness : Displaying a warm-hearted affection for fellow believers.
Love                              : Sacrificing for the good of others.

Let's develop these qualities in increasing measure and integrate them into every part of our life.  -Anne Cetas

Just as the body grows in strength
With exercise each day,
Our spirit in godliness
By living life GOD's way.  - D. De Haan

Godly exercise is the key to godly character.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

♥ Only One Step!

He who hears MY word and believes in HIM who sent ME has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. John 5:24

A passenger boarded a bus that was almost full with a group of merry young people. He took a seat near them and opened his BIBLE. One person among them, wanting to make them all laugh, asked him in a tone of affected earnestness, "Excuse me, can you tell me if it is far to Paradise? "

The man looked him in the face and replied kindly, but equally seriously, "Paradise, my dear boy, is only one step away from you. Won't you take that step now?

That was all he said. But those simple words and the way they had been expressed haunted the young man. He heard them repeatedly and found no peace until he took that one step to JESUS CHRIST,  The SAVIOR

Each one of us must also take thatone step to pass from death into life. No-one else can take it for us. Anyone who has parents,relatives or friends who believe in Jesus Christ must know that their faith cannot obviate his or her own. The only thing that others can do for us is to lead us to Jesus, for there is one God and one meditator between GOD and men, , the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all (1 Timothy 2, 5.6).

Whoever turns to HIM, confessing his sins, will receive forgiveness. Christ gave His life on the cross to pay the ransom for the guilt of all who accept it in faith. No reader should hesitate to take this one step.

♥ Hell is not on earth!

These will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. Matthew 25:46

A preacher once entered a disco. The owner approached him and said,  Sir, preaching the Gospel here is pointless. - On the contrary, answered the preacher. This is the very place where it is important to show people the way to true happiness. You, too, must turn to JESUS, or you will be eternally lost.

The owner retorted, I don't believe in the existence of hell. If it exists, then it's here. - No, my friend, hell is not here, and I'll tell you why.  First, I believe in the
LORD JESUS CHRIST,  and  in hell there are no believers. Second, I have a BIBLE, but you won't find any Bibles in hell. Thirdly, you sell drinks here. Now in hell people will suffer from thirst that can never be quenched. And lastly, I shall be able to leave this building, but nobody will ever get out of hell.

Let no-one make fun of hell, or treat it with contempt: for it really does exist! JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF warned against it on more than the one occasion mentioned in today's text.

Hell was actually intended for the devil and his angels. Matthew 25:41.  GOD wishes to save the sinful from eternal condemnation. 1 Timothy 2:4. So if anyone is lost, it will not be GOD's fault. HE sent HIS own SON,  so that all can be saved and thus be granted a place in heaven.

Believe in The LORD JESUS CHRIST, and you will be saved. Acts 16:31