Wednesday, 30 October 2013

♥ Are You Mentioned In The BIBLE? I Am!

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief. 1 Timothy 1:15

During the time of colonialism, a European who had settled at the Cape of Good Hope saw a black man reading the BIBLE. Scornfully he remarked, "The Book is not for the likes of you".

"Yes it is, sir,"was the reply. - "How do you know that? " - "Because my name occurs in it." - "Your name? How come? Where is it? " - "Here, " retorted the black man, pointing to the words of our verse: CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners. "That's me, a sinner! That's why the book is for me, too."

In today's verse Paul designates himself as the "chief", that is, the most prominent of sinners.

This verdict on himself expresses the immense change that took place in his heart. Previously in his religious zeal he had persecuted JESUS CHRIST's true disciples to the point of death. But then the LORD JESUS HIMSELF appeared to him and he was overwhelmed by HIS Glory. He had thought he should annihilate CHRIST'S followers. Then he found his SAVIOR on the way to Damascus and confessed faith in HIM, the LORD of Glory.

From this moment his entire life was devoted to his LORD and Redeemer in unmitigated gratitude. His mission was to preach CHRIST as the SAVIOR to many nations.

The unknown black man at the Cape of Good Hope and the apostle Paul had one thing in common: Both recognized themselves as sinners and both found forgiveness and salvation in JESUS CHRIST.

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