GOD may speak in one way or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then HE opens the ears of men. Job: 33:14-16
In Job's day it was not a rare thing for GOD to speak to the people by means of dreams. Today, however, we have The HOLY SPIRIT, The BIBLE, in its entirety. We need to pay attention to it: in this way GOD gives us guidelines and guidance for our life.
It can happen that GOD speaks to someone through a dream even today, possibly because he does not know the BIBLE or refuses to listen to it. This was the case with Jack Catchpole, a man I knew who had succumbed to alcohol and evil.
Moved with emotion he told me that in prison he once had a terrible dream at the age of 59. Surrounded by roaring, howling creatures he was sliding down a slippery slope with countless other people. In his panic he asked one of them, "Where are we? " -"Don't you know? "was the reply, "Another 15 feet and we are in hell". In his agony Jack cried out loudly in the dream, "LORD, save me!" He was pulled out of the crowd and found himself lying on his bed trembling.
Next morning the other prisoners in his cell asked him, "What's the matter with you? You screamed like a madman." He answered, "So would you have done if you were only 15 feet from hell!" Then he told them his dream and what had also happened to him: he had actually found his SAVIOR in JESUS CHRIST. They laughed derisively, thinking he would soon be himself again. But it was not to be. For the rest of his life the change was so visible and marked that they called him "Happy Jack".
We might not have such a dramatic vision of what hell would be like as Jack had, but it is suffice to say that there are many warnings given to us about hell and the horrors found there, in the written WORD of GOD. If we would only pay heed!
My dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS, hell was made for the devil and his angels, not for man. But if we continue to reject our JESUS CHRIST and HIS free gift to Salvation, which can only be attained by our honest repentance and utmost faith in HIS work on the cross, That JESUS, who is our ONLY ticket to heaven, then The BIBLE tells us that we too would surely end up in hell.
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