Tuesday, 29 October 2013

♥ WARNING! Time To Settle Accounts Is At Hand!

WARNING!  Time to settle accounts is at hand. No one is exempted from it. And to the rich, don't think you are free because you owe no one. You will have a bigger score to settle. So BEWARE!

A farmer in The U.S. state of Illinois once wrote this letter to the editor of the local weelky newspaper:

Dear Sir, I have carried out this experiment. I own a field of maize and plowed it on a Sunday. I did all the work on it on Sunday's. I reaped the field and brought in the harvest on a Sunday. I have discovered that this October I have harvested more per acre than all my neighbors.

The editor of the newspaper was not known to be at all religious. The farmer had assumed that he would sympathize with his derisive attitude. The letter was published word to word in the following edition. Underneath, in capital letters, was the editor's comment:


Not always in October, but the day will come when our life's account will have to be settled with HIM. That is what motivates Christians to persuade people urgently to be reconciled to GOD through JESUS CHRIST.

The 10 Commandments that our GOD gave us is still important for us today. The farmer had deliberately broken the commandment about keeping the Sabbath day holy, and that 6 days we could work hard but rest on the 7th day. It was to be a day of rest for all, man and beast alike.  And GOD had our welfare in mind when HE wanted us to rest. We think these laws are silly and it curbs our freedom and we make tiny modifications to them everytime, and before we know it, we end up totally breaking them.

We follow rules that pertains to our dressing, our behavior, our hair styles, etc. however silly they are, that are set up in our workplaces, our educational institutions, our homes, our churches, etc. Almost every place we go to have rules set up and we follow them whether we like them or not. Why then do we take our GOD's commands lightly. We are in service to the KING of kings AND LORD of lords. We must consider it our greatest honor to do what OUR MASTER and LORD JESUS CHRIST did in obedience to The ONE and Only true GOD, HIS FATHER and ours. Let us make no modifications to the laws our MAKER has set before us. Only we stand to gain if we follow these commandments. The BIBLE says, if we follow these laws, our days  and the days of our children will be many in the land and ADONAI will bless us to a 1000 generations, of those who love and follow the commandments that GOD has given us.

We must all appear before the judgement seat of JESUS CHRIST, that each one may recieve the things done in the body, whether good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the LORD, for them who forsake GOD's message of salvation through JESUS CHRIST, we persuade men. We implore you on CHRIST'S behalf, BE RECONCILED TO GOD, (2 Corinthians 5:10, 11, 20).

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