This statement of Adam's, the first human being, could serve as a title over the life of all his offspring. People are afraid; they are afraid of both life and death. They are afraid because of their past and fear for the future. They fear other people, silence and loneliness. The list could be continued ad infinitum.
What is the basic reason for it? We discover it on the first pages of the BIBLE. GOD created man free of any anxiety, wanting fellowship with HIM. But when the first human couple wished to lead their life according to their own dictates, independently of GOD, sin entered the world and separated mankind from GOD. That caused his fear. Fear caused by his dis-obedience and fear of imminent punishment. The first thing Adam said to GOD after the fall was, I was afraid. It was a new experience for him, but since then fear has followed on the heels of everybody.
GOD does not want man to be the slave of his fear. HE shows us the way of escape to be free from the pressure of fear. JESUS CHRIST is the Way.
The SON of GOD became Man and entered this world of fear to remove its cause, separation from GOD, The FATHER. To do so, HE was forsaken by GOD and judged on the cross of calvary as the substitute for guilty man. There in the three hours of darkness from midday, HE underwent fear and anguish in a measure unimaginable to man. HE cried out, MY GOD, MY GOD, why have you forsaken me? HE suffered all in our place in order to release those who through fear of death were for all their lifetime subject to bondage (Hebrews 2:15). Thus HE became The SAVIOR and helper for all who entrusted themselves to HIM.
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