Thursday, 19 December 2013

♥ Do You Have The Assurance Of Heaven?

He who hears MY Word and believes in HIM who sent ME has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life, (John 5 : 24 ).

In the extensive area for hiking around the holiday resort where we were staying we met a local lady. She wanted to spend some meditative hours in the quietness of nature. Our conversation soon turned to JESUS CHRIST, The SON of GOD. With joy she told us what a support her faith gave her in life.

My wife and I clearly recognized that she loved The LORD JESUS sincerely, although she had some uncertainty as to her eternal Salvation was noticeable. So we asked her whether she was really sure of entering eternal glory after this life. "I hope so", was her answer.

Now the sayings of The LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF and the epistles in The New Testament leave us in no doubt whatsoever concerning the believers' eternal Salvation. We constantly find the assurance that Christians who have confessed their sins and believe in JESUS CHRIST and HIS atoning sacrifice can be absolutely sure of their Salvation while already here on earth and rejoice in the fact.

We drew the lady's attention to these Scriptures. The references to The BIBLE did her good. She was not so well acquainted with it, but she clearly sensed the fortifying power of The WORD Of GOD. We mentioned the encouraging words of the apostle Peter: "As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of The WORD", (1 Peter 2 : 2). This illustration of the nourishing and strengthening effect of The WORD Of GOD was at once obvious to her as a mother and a grandmother.

Taken from The Good Seed.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

♥ Do You Believe In Miracles?

I know that YOU can do everything, and that no purpose of YOURS can be withheld from YOU, (Job 42:2).
Why should it be thought incredible by you that GOD raises the dead, (Acts 26:8).

In 1937 the brilliant physicist, Max Planck, dared to assert: "Belief in miracles must give way to the constant advancement and the irreversible forces of science". Many share this point of view today, thinking that if someone believes in miracles, it is because he is ignorant of the laws of nature.

In fact, the very opposite is true: the first Christians knew very well that when someone has died, he does not come back to life. They were aware of the natural law of biological death. But they saw and heard the risen JESUS CHRIST. So they confirmed the fundamental miracle of Christianity.

It is honest to ask the question: "Is there a GOD? " when the progress of scientific research only proves more and more the extraordinary, admirable complexity of all that exists? This all has necessarily a Creator who withholds the secrets of its coherence, (Romans 1 : 20). And if there is a GOD who created everything: matter, reason, time, space and all the laws of nature, then miracles are possible. GOD is free to intervene in HIS creation. HE does so through the laws of nature and in exceptional cases, through miracles. ALL IS SUBJECT TO HIS AUTHORITY. ALL! Even the demons shudder at the thought of hearing that NAME which is above all names.

What was the greatest miracle? It was the miracle of love. GOD became Man in JESUS CHRIST, who then died on the cross to save all who put their faith in HIM from death and judgment. But HE was resurrected and now HE lives for ever and ever. And HE answers the prayers of those who trust in HIM.

Taken from The Good Seed.

★ Do You Want To Be Free?

Do you want to be free and liberated. If yes, then the only way one can achieve that is through JESUS CHRIST. Mark 5:13-20 shows us a very important truth.

The demons had to obey JESUS' commandment. But they immediately continued their destructive activity by driving a herd of swine into the sea. Appalled, the herdsmen reported everywhere what had happened, and many came to see JESUS and the man who had been freed.

The man was sitting with The LORD properly dressed and "in his right mind". This is normal when someone is freed from Satan's bondage and sin: his reason does not decline but rather benefits. This is seen, for example, in his new interest in the truth and the ability to understand it and act accordingly.

The observers, on the other hand, showed no gratitude or joy over this miracle, but fear - fear of the Liberator, not fear of the oppressor!  Fear of the transformation when the freedom brings true life! Fear of the security of their possessions! That is what Satan does. Fear put in our hearts by Satan is nothing but False Evidence Appearing Real!  We do not know their motives, but their reaction must shock us: they would rather remain in the bondage of sin than enter the glorious liberty of the children of GOD. They were ill at ease in JESUS' presence;  so they ask HIM to leave their region.

Although the man who had been healed was not only made free from the demons but had found true faith in JESUS CHRIST, the people of his district rejected JESUS. The man himself wanted to be with JESUS and accompany HIM like HIS disciples.

The LORD could not agree to his request;  He had another mission for him. The healed man had a family who must have suffered through his trouble and his absence. There was his place and his duty. How glad they must have been when they noticed the fundamental, lasting change in him. What interest they will have shown to discover how JESUS had freed him.

The man obeyed JESUS. He reported what The LORD had done for him not only in his family but in the entire province. The inhabitants had asked JESUS to leave despite having the proof before their very eyes that JESUS is truly The ONE who can set people free.

JESUS of Nazareth  ... went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for GOD was with HIM, (Acts 10 : 38).

Taken from The Good Seed.

♥ Take This Warning Seriously!

He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning, (Ezekiel 33:5).

Take this warning seriously because time is running out, and the end is at hand!

Because of a long period of heavy rainfall the level of the river flowing through the city of El Playon in Columbia rose so rapidly in a short time that the inhabitants had to flee. After a few days, however, the level had fallen to a very low level, so that they could return to their homes.

One inhabitant became suspicious that this sudden calm might be a sign of a threatening flood. Could masses of stones, mud and even uprooted trees have formed a kind of dam somewhere which at any moment might collapse under the pressure of the water? He felt compelled to rush through the town shouting, "Get to safety! The danger is not yet past!" Many heeded the warning, left their possessions behind them and sought higher ground. Others did not take it so seriously and even joked about it. A terrible roaring sound indeed soon broke out and vast masses of water flowed through the town. Houses collapsed, many people were swept away and drowned in the floods.

Today The LORD JESUS gives us all an early warning of the judgement of the world, in The HOLY BIBLE. So we are called to "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out", (Acts 3:19). There are already plenty of indications of HIS coming judgement. GOD is indeed longsuffering and still exercises patience, but this should not lead us to ignore HIS admonition.

"The LORD is ... longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance", (2 Peter 3 : 9).

Taken from The Good Seed.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

♥♥♥ In The NAME Of The PRINCE!

Brethren, having boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of JESUS ..... let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, (Hebrews 10: 19, 22).

Through him we ... have access by one Spirit to the Father, (Ephesians 2:18).

A poorly dressed man presented himself at the gate of the royal palace. He asked to see the King, handing one of the guards a letter. What impudence! What right had he to claim an audience with the king? The guard eventually took the letter to the king. He returned with the message that the king urgently wished to see the man. What was in the letter?, Thought the guard, that made the king want to urgently see poorly dressed man.

In the letter was a simple message in the king's son's handwriting. It said, "Father, this man comes on my behalf." The man was taken to see the King who came forward to meet him without paying any attention to his shabby clothes.

"Your Majesty, I have come from a far country where I made the acquaintance of your son. He saved my life and said, "Go and see my father, and give him this letter. I know that he will welcome you, because I am his only son!"

The king after reading his son's letter told the poorly dressed man, "From now on you will be at home here. I shall treat you like my own son".

This is exactly how we can approach GOD. HE is the ALMIGHTY, HOLY GOD. If things depended on our conduct we should have no more chance of being admitted to HIS HOLY Presence than the poor man without his letter. But the only sure way of approaching GOD is only through the work of HIS Precious SON, JESUS CHRIST, on the cross. By simple faith in HIM we are deemed worthy of acceptance by GOD because of HIS beloved SON. We come to GOD in HIS name and are received as sent by HIS SON. More than that, GOD adopts us and loves as HIS own SON. Such is HIS marvellous grace.

Taken from The Good Seed.

How is it that we can go boldly to our Holy ABBA FATHER's Throne without being totally destroyed because of our sins. We do so by believing in JESUS CHRIST and HIS atoning work on the cross for us. We become justified, just as if we have not sinned, by believing in JESUS CHRIST. So now when we approach The Throne of GOD, GOD sees HIS precious SON's blood on them that believe. HE sees that we are cleansed in that Perfect Blood of JESUS. So we stand justified(just as if we have never sinned) before The LORD GOD and that is possible only because of JESUS CHRIST.

In the Old Testament times, the priests could enter the Most Holy Place in the temple only with the blood of bulls and rams. But after JESUS gave up HIS perfect life as a sacrifice for our sins on the cross by shedding HIS blood, we can approach GOD's throne justified, just as if we have not sinned. But we can do so only if we believe in JESUS CHRIST and repent earnestly for our sins and are born-again.

Inspired by The HOLY SPIRIT.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

★ How Much Longer?

What is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away, (James 4 : 14).

Years, months, weeks and days go by, even the minutes of our life tick past unrelentingly, so that, however old we may be, the time remaining is constantly being reduced. How much longer have we? We cannot tell. But that ought to urge us to prepare for the time when we have to face The LORD JESUS CHRIST, The JUDGE of all the earth, to whom we have to give account. HE HIMSELF has told us to prepare to meet The ONE And Only True GOD, The ADONAI, The I AM! (Amos 4:12). How can we do so? By anticipating the judgement, i.e. by confessing that one is a sinner and accepting GOD's forgiveness that is available freely only at the cross of JESUS through HIS shed blood. That is the Salvation that JESUS CHRIST procured for us through HIS work on The Cross.

Born-again Christians know no more than anyone else when their life on earth will end. But they can fearlessly face death, because they are prepared. The judgement awaiting them was borne by another, their Redeemer JESUS CHRIST.

That takes away the sting of death for them, for death is then not a great disaster but the entrance to a glorious future in eternity with their SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. It is not the loss of all that was precious to them here, but actually taking possession of all the heavenly blessings that are reserved for them. They await the moment with joy.

Death is the door through which a born-again believer passes to enter eternal glory, eternal rest, eternal peace and lasting, unclouded joy.

Taken from The Good Seed.

♥ ADONAI's WORDS Have Life And Power! I Challenge You To Try Using It!

In the day when I cried out, YOU answered me and made me bold with strength in my soul. The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; YOUR mercy, O LORD, endures for ever, (Psalm 138 : 3, 8).

During the second World War, in April 1943, the Scottish priest, Donald Caskie, was imprisoned for assisting allied soldiers to flee from France. He later wrote this of his imprisonment.

-It was an extremely humiliating experience that could easily lead one to despair. But my knowledge of The BIBLE preserved me. Now his BIBLE had been confiscated, but he said, I had it in my heart and in my memory, and that supported my faith, my spirit and my mental balance.

In another prison Caskie saw the names of numerous prisoners scratched on the walls of his cell. He added the following:Thus says The LORD, Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are MINE. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you and when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, (Isaiah 43 : 1 - 2). With these words he thought of other prisoners and prayed that GOD might grant them peace.

In yet another prison an inmate told Caskie his story: I was about to put an end to my life to escape torture, when I discovered some words on the wall of my cell that stopped me and gave me comfort and strength. I shall never forget those words. They were the verses that Caskie had scratched on the wall. GOD had heard his prayer, and HIS WORD had yet again proved its life-giving power.

Taken from The Good Seed.

GOD's Words have power. They are living and active and is sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart, (Hebrews 4:12).


Taken from The HOLY BIBLE and put here at HIS command. Amen!

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

★ Tolerance!

In today's world tolerance is one of the highest virtues in many countries. It is praised as an indispensable pre-requisite for a harmonious life among human beings and as an antidote against fanaticism, prejudice and discrimination. The opposite, intolerance, is certainly the cause of many quarrels and disputes in human society and between nations.

We must, however, concede one thing: we are quite willing to be tolerant in questions that hardly concern us, but much less so as soon as things affect us personally. Moreover, nobody likes being just tolerated. We prefer being recognized by other people for our convictions and way of living.

What does The BIBLE have to say on this subject? It commands us to show a true interest in our neighbor and love them as ourselves. That means respecting them, not forcing our opinions on them and permitting them to make their own decisions, without being indifferent as to how they think or act.

However, any true interest will encourage us, as believers to speak of our faith to others and wish that we might share it with them. GOD recognizes no other means of Salvation than a confession of sins and faith in HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST. This is a message of the greatest importance that we would like to pass on to all around us, because we show respect for them and are aware of their value to GOD.

Taken from The Good Seed.

♥♥♥ Life After Death! Choose While You Still Have Time!

A man dies and is laid away; indeed he breathes his last and where is he? (Job 14 : 10 ).

The death of her mother made a woman start thinking. So one evening she asked her husband, What do you think happens after death? - Nothing! It's simply the finality of everything: all is over and done with!  - But my friend says things do go on after death. She believes in eternal life that is available only in JESUS.

Her husband became somewhat indignant: Susie goes to Church. There they believe that sort of thing. The conversation continued for a while. The woman refused to leave things at that. Finally she said, If it is really true that life goes on after death, and that this life decides what things look like afterwards, then it really does matter how I live my life here. THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES! Can't you understand that?

Her husband replied, I can understand it much better than you think! But I simply put it out of my mind. I must, or I couldn't go on living as I do at present. And with that remark he finished the conversation and left the house.

Whoever wishes to live apart from GOD at all costs is forced to suppress any thought of GOD and eternity. Or else he goes further, as often happens nowadays, and tries to ridicule and thus overcome the thought.

Yet on the side of The VICTOR, JESUS will stand only those who think otherwise and take another course: they turn to CHRIST JESUS, acknowledging HIM as The LORD of their life. And when they turn to JESUS CHRIST, HE grants them their part in HIS Victory over sin, death and the devil.

Taken from The Good Seed.

And for them who don't turn to JESUS CHRIST for forgiveness and salvation, they will be send to judgement and hell where the burning Sulphur and fire consumes them. In hell one dies continuously without actually dying. The BIBLE says there will be eternal torment.

What is hell like? Hell,
where the fire never goes out,
where once you land up there, you can never get out, (Luke 16:24)
where there are maggots that never die and that eat you, (Isaiah 66:24)
where the fiery lake of burning Sulphur will be our bed and blanket,
where you will find scary demons and monsters and of course Satan. (Revelation 20 : 10)
Hell was initially made for the devil and his angels.

In short, my dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS, hell is the most horrible place. Unless you believe in JESUS CHRIST and are born again you will end up in hell. The only way to heaven is JESUS CHRIST! Without JESUS, hell  WILL  be your end destination. The choice is yours to make. The facts are laid before you. So please choose wisely and choose fast.

There is no other name under heaven except that of JESUS CHRIST given to man by which we must be saved, for JESUS says, I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No man comes to the FATHER except through ME, (John 14 : 6 ).

Inspired by The HOLY GHOST!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

♥ Faith Makes People Renounce A LOT!

A group of people were speaking derisively about the Christian faith. They asserted that anyone who lived according to The BIBLE had to renounce so much in life.

"Yes", replied one Christian who was present, "I can confirm that. I know from experience. We do indeed go without a lot though believing". He then recounted what was now missing in his life. He continued by saying:

"First, a nagging conscience and an uneasy heart, for GOD forgave me everything when I became a Christian. HE granted me HIS peace."

"Secondly, I lost my bad reputation. Boys in the street used to make fun of me, but now they don't, because I no longer reel about drunk."

"Thirdly, I have lost my shabby suit and my slovenly appearance, because I used to spend all my money on alcohol instead of caring for my family and dressing decently."

"You do lose a lot when you are converted to Christianity. But I find that my loss really has meant an inestimable gain."

"If anyone is in CHRIST, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new."(2 Corinthians 5:17).

Taken from The Good Seed.

♥ Go And Tell The World What JESUS Has Done For You!

HE (JESUS) said to them, Go into all the world and preach The Gospel to every creature,(Mark 16:15).

When the evangelist D. L. Moody was returning home in Chicago late one evening, he noticed a man unknowns to him leaning against a lamppost. He went up to him, laid his hand gently on his shoulder and asked him if he was a Christian.

The man became very annoyed became of this question and raised his fists threateningly. "I am sorry if I offended you", said Moody soothingly. But the man retorted furiously, "Mind your own business!" -"That is my business", the evangelist responded calmly but resolutely before continuing on his way.

A few days later the stranger approached a friend of Moody's who was an elder in the Church, and suggested that he should put an end to the preacher's impudence, so that he did no more harm in the town.

One morning, some three months later, Moody was wakened very early. "Who is there?", he asked. An unknown voice answered, and the name, too, meant nothing. "What do you want?" -"I want to become a Christian". When Moody opened the door, he was faced by the man who had been so frightfully enraged by him under the lamppost. The visitor admitted that his conscience had given him no peace since. At that early hour Moody was able to show him the way to JESUS CHRIST, salvation and peace.

When believers invite others to accept CHRIST JESUS as their SAVIOR and LORD, they are simply fulfilling the mission that The LORD JESUS gave them. It is indeed their business, but primarily, it is HIS business, too.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

★ We Stand By HIS Might Alone!

Not by might, nor by power, but by MY SPIRIT, says The LORD of hosts,(Zechariah 4:6).

This verse shows us clearly that The LORD's work is not carried out through human intelligence, ability or strength, but solely through The HOLY SPIRIT.

This was seen when the city of Jericho was conquered. It was not Israel's arsenal that caused the walls to collapse. It was The LORD GOD, who gave the city into the hands of the Israelite people, after they had marched round it thirteen times.

If a gigantic army had been necessary, Gideon would never have defeated the Midianites. His army had been reduced to 300 men. Moreover, their weapons were unconventional: clay pitchers with torches in them. None other than The LORD GOD gave them the victory.

On Mount Carmel Elijah excluded any possibility of human power or ability igniting the wood with the sacrifice on the altar. He had twelve buckets of water poured over it. When fire came down from heaven, nobody could doubt its divine origin.

Efforts that are purely human are futile. All the donations collected, massive propaganda campaigns for The Gospel, courses in Psychology to understand people's minds or in rhetoric to learn better articulation will not save a single soul. Everything must be left to The HOLY SPIRIT. The LORD's work makes HIM irreplaceable. Our spiritual warfare must be waged with spiritual weapons: prayer, faith and The WORD Of GOD. Without ME you can do nothing,(John 15 : 5 ).

Taken from The Good Seed.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

♥ Surprise!

Behold! The LAMB of GOD who takes away the sins of the world,(John 1 : 29).

A writer for the Washington Post conducted an  experiment to test people's perception. He asked a famous violinist to perform incognito at a train station in the nation's capital one January morning. Thousands of people walked by as he played, but only a few stopped to listen. After 45 minutes, just $32 had been dropped into the virtuoso's open violin case. Two days earlier, this man -Joshua Bell- had used the same $3.5 million Stradivarius for a sold-out concert where people paid $100 a seat to hear him perform.

The idea of a person not being recognized for his greatness isn't new . It happened to JESUS. "HE was in the world", John said, "and the world did not know HIM", (John 1 : 10). Why did people who had been expecting The MESSIAH give JESUS such a cold reception?  One reason is that they were surprised. Just as people today don't expect famous musicians to play in railway stations, the people in JESUS' day didn't expect The MESSIAH to be born in a stable. They also expected HIM to be a political KING - not just the head of a spiritual kingdom.

The people in the first century were blinded to GOD's purpose in sending JESUS to this world. HE came to save people from their sins,(John 1:29). Receive GOD's surprising gift of Salvation that HE offers freely to you today.

C. P. Hia

Amazing thought!  That GOD in flesh
Would take my place and bear my sin;
That a guilty, death-doomed soul,
Eternal life might win, - Anon.
Totally on HIS merits, not on mine. 

GOD broke into human history to offer us the gift of eternal life.

★ Father Of Lies!

When the devil speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it, (John 8:44).

Satan's sway over mankind began when he turned the minds of Adam and Eve against GOD. In order to pull it off, he had to lie to them about GOD - and they had to fall for it. In that defining moment, he lied about GOD's Goodness, GOD's WORD, and GOD's intentions,(Genesis 3:1-6).

Satan is still up to his old tricks. JESUS said that when the devil speaks a lie, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar,(John 8:44). It should not be surprising, then, that when troubles interrupts our lives, the father of lies whispers in our ears and suddenly we are questioning GOD's Goodness. When we are told to follow HIS commands, we wonder if HIS WORD is really true in the first place. When JESUS tells us things like, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth",(Matthew 6:19), Satan tells us that the good life is about piling up things here on earth, causing us to doubt GOD's good intentions. Satan also lies to us by twisting The WORD of GOD by saying GOD wants us to prosper, so there is no harm in hoarding wealth.

Satan just wants to make us end up in breaking even the smallest of commands in The WORD Of GOD.  And when he does that he has achieved his goal,  which is to hurt our sweet LORD. The laws that our LORD has given us to follow are not burdensome as Satan leads us to believe. The Laws of GOD are actually given for our benefit. Only we stand to gain blessings and life and Satan knows that. That is why he tries so hard to get us to disobey the Laws and Commands of our GOD ALMIGHTY.

Our problem is that we, like Adam and Eve, believe Satan's lies. And when we do, our loyalty to GOD is compromised. Then our enemy slithers off to his next assignment, leaving us alone
to face our regrets and
to face the punishment for the wrong he instigated us in doing and
To face the realization that his lies have seduced us away from our truest and dearest FRIEND, JESUS.

Satan never stays to help us mop up after the mess he has created. Whereas our JESUS waits lovingly to take us into HIS wonderful arms to console us and offer us a way out.  Who have you been listening to lately?

Satan can catch you by surprise
And stop you in your tracks,
So keep on guard and trust GOD's WORD,
Resist his strong attacks.  -Branon

The power of Satan is no match for the power of GOD's WORD. AMEN to that!

★ Oppressed And Afflicted, Yet Silent!

HE was oppressed and afflicted, yet HE did not open HIS mouth; HE was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so HE did not open HIS mouth, (Isaiah 53:7).

When they hurled their insults at HIM, HE did not retaliate; when HE suffered, HE made no threats. Instead HE entrusted HIMSELF to HIM who judges justly, (1 Peter 2:23).

HE committed no sin, and no deceit was found in HIS mouth, (1 Peter 2:22).

The LAMB of GOD was silent. When The LORD JESUS CHRIST was being ill-treated, HE uttered no malice nor any word of revenge or threatening words. When HE was falsely accused, HE made no complaints from and expressed no bitterness, nor did HE call for retaliation, although all this was in HIS power. How we wonder at HIS silence,; how different from us! We are often so ensnared in self- sympathy or self-justification that we fail to keep silent. Yet we are called upon to follow our LORD’s example,(1 Peter 2:19-23).

The LAMB of GOD was sacrificed. The death of JESUS CHRIST was historically no chance happening. Seen naturally, it appears that JESUS of Nazareth was in the wrong place at the wrong time. If only HE had stayed in Galilee! If only HE had defended HIMSELF or escaped when HE had the chance!  However, from the divine viewpoint everything occurred  according to GOD's plan at just the right time, not a moment too soon nor a moment late.

The LAMB of GOD is now standing. If the epistle to the Hebrews states that JESUS CHRIST sat down as a priest, we understand that HIS vicarious work of suffering and dying for our sins has been accomplished. The question of our sins has been settled. The LAMB standing expresses the same fact of faith. Having been slain once for all time, The LAMB of GOD now stands in  the  triumph of HIS resurrection.  GOD be praised!

Taken from The Good Seed.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

♥ Mighty Waters!

HIS Feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and HIS voice as the sound of many waters, (Revelation 1:15).

While in Brazil, I went to see Iguazu Falls, one of the greatest waterfalls in the world. The massive falls are breathtaking, but what impressed me most at Iguazu was not the sight of the falls or the spray of the water. It was the sound. The sound was beyond deafening - I felt as if I was actually inside the sound itself. It was an overwhelming experience that reminded me of how small I am in comparison.

Later, with this scene in mind, I couldn't help but think about John in Revelation 1:15. While on the island of Patmos, he saw a vision of The risen JESUS CHRIST. The apostle described JESUS in the glory of HIS resurrection, noting both HIS clothing and HIS physical qualities. Then John described CHRIST's voice "as the sound of many waters", (Revelation 1 : 15).

I'm not sure I fully appreciated what that meant until I visited Iguazu and was overwhelmed by the thundering sound of the falls. As those mighty waters reminded me of my own smallness, I better understood why John fell at the feet of JESUS CHRIST as if dead, (Revelation 1 : 17).

Perhaps that description will help you grasp the awesomeness of JESUS CHRIST's presence and prompt you to follow John's example of worshipping The SAVIOR.

Bill Crowder

Pay honor to our marvelous SAVIOR
Daily HIS wonders proclaim;
Dwell always in the presence of JESUS,
And worship HIS Holy NAME.  - Branon

True worship of JESUS CHRIST changes admiration into adoration.

♥ Just Do What's Right!

That you may become ... children of GOD without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, (Philippians  2 : 15).

On a trip out of the country, I happened to meet an attorney who was from my hometown in New Jersey. We were surprised at how much we had in common. In the course of the conversation, he asked, "Did you say your name was Stillwell?" I said, "No, it's Stowell". He then mentioned that he had a client named Stillwell. "Is it Art Stillwell? ", I asked, and to my surprise, he said yes. Art Stillwell attended my church and was an influential businessman in the community.

The attorney admitted that he had no client quite like Art. He explained that most of his clients want him to do whatever it takes to get them out of their problems, but Art was different. Whenever he asked Art what to do in any given situation, Art always replied, "Just do what's right! " Obviously it had made an impression on the attorney.

Yielding to JESUS CHRIST in all of our desires and decisions regardless of the outcome is what sets us apart in a world full of people consumed by their own interests. When we live blameless lives "without fault" - courageously reflecting the integrity, love, and grace of JESUS - we clearly  "shine as lights in the world"(Philippians 2:15).

So, if you want to light up your world in a compelling way, JUST DO WHAT'S RIGHT!

Joe Stowell

Dim not, little candle,
Show JESUS through me!
Glow brightly till others
The light clearly see! - Adams

Light up your world by reflecting the light of JESUS.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

★ Unexpressed Gratitude!

Give thanks to The LORD, for HE is good!  ... Let the redeemed of The LORD say so,(Psalm 107 : 1 - 2).

The whole reason for saying thanks is to let the giver of a gift know how much you appreciate something. G. B. Stern once said, "Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone".

When our son was young, he sometimes needed to be reminded that avoiding eye contact, looking down at his feet, and mumbling some unintelligible words was not an acceptable thank you. And after many years of marriage, my husband and I are still learning that it is important for us to continually express our gratitude to each other. When one of us feel appreciative, we try to verbalize it - even if we have said it many times before about the same thing. William Arthur Ward said, "Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it".

Showing our gratitude is obviously important in human relationships, but its even more essential in our relationship with GOD. As we think about the many blessings we have received, do we express our thanks to HIM throughout the day?  And when we think about the most amazing gift where our FATHER GOD sent HIS own beloved SON, JESUS CHRIST, to die on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, do we feel overwhelmed with gratitude? When we think of JESUS' death and resurrection for the  forgiveness of our sins, do our hearts bubble over with awe and thanksgiving? (Romans 6:23; 2 Corinthians 9:15).

Take the reminder in Psalm 107:1 to heart each day: "Give thanks to The LORD, for HE is good"!

Cindy Hess Kasper

How great should be our gratitude
To GOD our unseen friend!
The volume of HIS gifts to us
We cannot comprehend. - Hess

GOD's highest Gift should awaken our deepest gratitude.

If we were to thank GOD every minute of every day for the rest of our lives, it would still not be enough. How much do we thank GOD  for all that HE has done for us,

Inspired by The HOLY SPIRIT.

Friday, 22 November 2013

♥ Accept JESUS Today! You Might Not Get Another Chance!

How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling,(Matthew 23:37).

On my way to the grocer's shop I have to pass a piece of land that is carefully tended and pleasing to the eye. I have regularly had the opportunity to chat over the fence with the owner, who was often working in his garden.

We didn't just talk about the weather; we even spoke about the matter of life after death. My neighbor was genuinely curious to know where the journey went when he left this scene for ever. It gave me the opportunity to speak to him about eternal life, which JESUS CHRIST grants to all who believe in HIM.

I proposed giving this friendly gentleman a Gospel calendar. So I rang the doorbell to hand one over personally. His wife opened the door, but rejected my gift. Some time later I read in the newspaper that they were celebrating their diamond anniversary. I went there again, and once more the wife opened the door. After congratulating them and wishing them GOD's blessing, I again raised the subject of The Gospel. Unfortunately, their reaction was negative: they did not need the Gospel, they had so many other things.

So many other things may fill our lives, but they are insufficient to ensure us a peaceful death and afterlife in eternity. Whoever rejects CHRIST JESUS will learn how terrible it was not to want HIM. Just as JESUS cared for the people of HIS own day and their eternal security - like a hen with her chicks - HE exhorts us today to take refuge in HIM in good time.

Taken from The Good Seed.

★ Must We Fear The Judgment Seat Of CHRIST?

He who hears MY word and believes in HIM who sent ME has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death to life, (John 5 : 24).

We must all appear before the judgement seat of JESUS CHRIST, that each one may recieve the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad, (2 Corinthians 5 : 10).

The two verses above state: believers will not suffer judgement but they must appear before CHRIST's judgement seat. How can they be reconciled? Now the second verse speaks only of appearing there for a manifestation; no sentence will be pronounced.

Whoever rejects CHRIST JESUS will appear before GOD's judgement seat, (Romans 14:10;  Acts 20:12) and be condemned. The evil he has committed cannot be effaced by any good he has done.

If I accepted CHRIST JESUS, on the other hand, I shall not come into judgment because the punishment my sins merited has already been borne by JESUS CHRIST, my SAVIOR. However, I still must appear before HIS judgement seat so that all can be revealed. My whole life, all that I have forgotten or concealed, will be placed before me. No condemnation, but loss regarding any evil I have done. The SAVIOR will reward me for all the good done on HIS behalf, even a cup of water given in HIS NAME.

The thought of the judgment seat does not terrify me anymore because The JUDGE seated there will be my SAVIOR, who bore all my sins. There I shall be aware of HIS perfect grace. I SHALL REALIZE THE GRAVITY OF MY SIN, BUT ALSO THE IMMENSITY OF HIS DIVINE LOVE.

This perspective makes me conscious of the earnestness of life and encourages me to live close to my SAVIOR.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

♥♥♥ HIS Love Letter To Me!

O LORD, YOUR thoughts are very deep,(Psalm 92:5).

When I offered a lady a Christian tract, she refused it by remarking that she had read The BIBLE and knew it. Every Christian is only too glad to converse with such people;  so I asked her what had impressed her most in The HOLY BIBLE. The lady could not give me a definite answer: the conversation appeared to embarrase her. She had apparently finished with The WORD Of GOD and no longer wanted to enter into any discussion about it.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

How many of us do the same thing. We think that reading The BIBLE once from cover to cover makes us perfect Christians. We read The BIBLE in a detached manner. We don't personalize it. We read it like its some novel.

What we don't realize is that



The thought that comes repeatedly to me as it did to the Psalmist, what is man and who am I that The KING of all kings and THE GOD of all gods, is mindful of me?

Brothers and sisters in CHRIST, I plead with you to take out your dusty BIBLE that is in a forgotten corner in your home and read it, study it. The BIBLE is a deep well with life giving water inside it. You can never fathom the depth of the well by looking at it from the top. You need to jump right in. You need to drink it, savor it, relish it.

The typical thing about a love letter is that one cannot keep away from it. No matter how many times we read it, its simply not enough. We keep reading it till the words are imprinted on every part of our brain and heart. We just cannot keep silent, we just want to scream it out from the rooftops about this incredible love letter.

Let me leave with you a few captivating lines from my ABBA FATHER's love letter to me. Its written for you too if you just realize it.

♥ Isaiah 49 : 15, 16 --> Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the baby she has borne?  Though she may forget, I WILL NOT FORGET YOU! See, I have engraved you on The Palms of MY Hands.

♥  Isaiah 43 : 1 - 4 --> But now this is what The LORD says - HE who created you, HE who formed you, Fear not, for I have redeemed you;  I have summoned you by name;  you are MINE.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am The LORD, your GOD, The HOLY ONE of Israel, your SAVIOR.
I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life.

♥ Isaiah 53:4, 5 --> Surely HE took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows. But HE was pierced for our transgressions, HE was crushed for our iniquities;  the punishment that brought us peace was upon HIM.(HE took my place on the cross to cleanse me from my sin).


♥ Haggai 2:23 --> I will make you like MY signet ring, for I have chosen you, declares The LORD ALMIGHTY.

♥ Isaiah 62:5 --> As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will GOD rejoice over you.

♥ 2 Corinthians 2:15 --> For we are to GOD the aroma of CHRIST JESUS.

♥ 2 Corinthians 6 : 18 --> I will be a FATHER to you, and you will be MY sons and daughters, says The LORD ALMIGHTY.

♥ Zephaniah 3:17, 20 --> The LORD your GOD is with you, HE is mighty to save.
HE will take great delight in you,
HE will quiet you with HIS love,
HE will rejoice over you with singing
At that time I will gather you,
at that time I will bring you home.
I will give you honor and praise,
among all the people of The Earth, says The LORD.

♥ Isaiah 62:3 --> You will be a crown of splendor in The LORD's Hand, a royal diadem in The Hand of your GOD.

♥ 1 Peter 2:9 --> But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to GOD, that you may declare the praises of HIM who called you out of darkness into HIS wonderful light.

♥ Song of Solomon 1:15 --> Oh, how beautiful you are, MY beloved.

♥ Psalm 139:14 --> I praise YOU because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

♥ Psalm 91:11 --> For HE will command HIS angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways, they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

♥ Deuteronomy 4:24 --> For The LORD your GOD is a consuming fire;  HE is a jealous GOD.

♥ John 142-3 --> JESUS said,  in MY FATHER's house there are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me (forever).

These are just a few lines from the love letter that my Heavenly FATHER wrote to me. There are more than a thousand such verses that will make you feel over the moon. I often wonder what could make my Great and Mighty GOD love in this small unworthy sinner like me.

I don't deserve the Perfect love of JESUS, but I humbly accept it.

HOLY SPIRIT inspired.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

★ Are You A Person After GOD's Own Heart!

JEHOVAH has sought a man (David) after HIS Own Heart, and JEHOVAH has appointed him ruler over HIS people,(1 Samuel 13:14).

I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after MY Heart, who shall do my will,(Acts 13:22).

What would cause GOD to call David "a man after HIS Own Heart" even though HE knew of the many sins that he would commit in his lifetime? 

For example:
He committed murder to cover up his adultery with another man's wife,(2 Samuel 11:4, 14-17). He was moved by Satan to number Israel and did so knowing better,(1 Chronicles 21:1; 2 Samuel 24:10).

Even with all his failures, David was preeminently a man of confession and repentance. When confronted with his sins, he was quick to acknowledge and confess them. Thus, when confronted by Nathan, he immediately replied, "I have sinned against JEHOVAH",(2 Samuel 12:13). See also his broken hearted response in Psalm 51. In Psalm 32, he describes an occasion in which he sinned but had "kept silence",(Psalm 32:3) for a while, but when the conviction of that hidden sin took its toll on his conscience and in his body, he confessed his "transgressions unto JEHOVAH",(Psalm 32:5) and obtained forgiveness for his sin.

Let each of us ask himself or herself, "Am I maintaining a tender, sensitive conscience before GOD? " When The HOLY SPIRIT convicts us of sin, whether by witnessing to our spirit directly or through our fellow man, how do we deal with it? Do we try to deaden the pangs of conviction by pleasures? Do we go half-way, just acknowledging our sins to GOD while justifying ourselves before men, or by blaming others? Or do we readily acknowledge our guilt before both GOD and man. It is only by our habitually doing the latter that GOD can come to regard us as men and women  "after HIS Own Heart "!

P. L. Canner

♥ HE Took my Place!

I am The Good SHEPHERD. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep, (John 10:11).

When we were still sinners, still without strength, in due time JESUS CHRIST died for the ungodly, (Romans 5 : 6).

An Italian female reporter in Iraq had just been freed from captivity as a hostage. With a secret service agent, who had played a decisive part in her liberation, she was on her way to the airport. Almost half a mile before arriving they came under heavy fire. The agent immediately covered the journalist with his body to protect her from the bullets. He was fatally wounded, but she escaped with her life.

That makes us think of the voluntary sacrificial death of The SON of GOD, JESUS CHRIST. GOD is Holy: He cannot simply ignore sin. HE must expose all that is wrong, and put it right. That corresponds to HIS nature. But GOD is also love. So HE sent HIS own SON, JESUS CHRIST, and gave HIM unto death for us. In HIS great love, HE wishes to save the godless;  that also corresponds to HIS nature.

The SON of GOD came to earth to suffer and die in the place of guilty people. There was not the slightest trace of sin in HIS Person. Therefore HE was the only ONE who could protect us from the judgement we deserve. And HE did so! On the cross of Calvary,  JESUS underwent indescribable suffering: GOD turned away from HIM and abandoned HIM. HE laid on HIM the iniquity of us all, (Isaiah 53:6).

Who benefits from that? All who acknowledge that they deserved GOD's condemnation and now trust in JESUS CHRIST. In HIS sacrifice, made for us, they find protection and redemption.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

★ Reality Check! Does GOD's Light Make You Uneasy?

Everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his evil deeds should be exposed, (John 3:20).

Everyone practicing evil should not make us think of wicked practices or coarse crimes. It involves everyone who does not want his life to be disturbed by GOD and HIS light.

To the outward appearance they may lead an upright life that is in many respects exemplary. But JESUS CHRIST, who observes the innermost recesses of our hearts pronounces a solemn judgement on them: they hate the light.

In the final instance they prefer darkness, where they feel safe. Everything is the same grey or black. The light of GOD casts no shadow, and no one need feel ashamed before other people. They have their excuses and reject GOD's yardstick of good and evil. They prefer seeing nothing - either of GOD or man - so as to avoid looking harmful reality in the face. But what use is it all, and where does it lead to?

Whoever recoils from GOD's assessment of him already here on earth will have to concede that it is indeed futile, for in the resurrection he will have to enter GOD's light and HIS Holy Presence. And the just sentence pronounced will bring him into eternal darkness.

For this reason it is imperative to seek the light of GOD now and admit that things are not right with HIM. That is the first step on the pathway to eternal light. The second is putting one's faith in The LORD JESUS CHRIST, who came into this world and died on the cross to save sinners like us. "HE said, I am the light of the world. He who follows ME shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life", (John 8:12).

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

★ Are You Like Mary or Martha!

JESUS answering said to her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things;  but there is need of one, and Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken from her, (Luke 10:41, 42).

Among the large circle of The LORD's acquaintances and disciples there was a family in Bethany that HE was especially close to. In fact, it is said that "JESUS loved Martha, and her sister Mary and Lazarus", (John 11:5). Bethany was situated on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives almost two miles from the city of Jerusalem. The LORD would often retire there after a long day in Jerusalem and find refreshment in the affections and devotion of this dear family, (John 12:1-3)!

It appears that it was Martha who had extended the invitation to The LORD JESUS to supper, for it is said that she "received HIM into her house", (Luke 10:38). But on this day, Martha, usually a most gracious and hospitable person, was becoming irritated with her sister, Mary. When The LORD JESUS arrived it would have been with a crowd of hungry disciples; and so Martha was "distracted" trying to prepare everything in the kitchen.  She took her complaint to The LORD, and asked HIM to speak to Mary to give her help with the work. She even questioned The LORD, "Dost THOU not care that my sister has left me alone to serve? " Martha's trouble was not that the workload had drawn her away from hearing The LORD, but that her sister was not helping her!

The LORD responded, "Martha, Martha," pointing out to her that her trouble and anxiety was due to her occupation with "many things". HE defended Mary for having "chosen the good part" while at the same time graciously encouraging Martha that the food for the body could wait, but the food for the soul which is HIS WORD - the "one important thing" was The priority.  To serve is important, but to sit  "at the feet of JESUS" is a necessity.

B. Reynolds

Monday, 18 November 2013

★ Satan: A Liar and The Father of Lies!

Satan is a liar and a master counterfeiter. He does not hesitate to transform himself into an angel of light,(2 Corinthians 11:4). So it should not surprise us to know that he also has many false prophets serving him, seeking to lead astray GOD's people. Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 show us how he fell from his original glorious state. He rebelled against GOD, and ever since he led our first parents astray by sinning, he has been trying to lead mankind to rebel against GOD.

Our GOD is a jealous GOD who will not share HIS glory with anyone. HE warned HIS earthly people against listening to anyone trying to lead them to follow and serve other gods, even if they would do signs and wonders to back up their proposal. HE termed such attempts revolt against HIMSELF and commanded that whoever might make such efforts be put to death. Also, Deuteronomy 18:21-22 shows us that if a prophet's word did not come to pass, it was not the Word of The LORD, but was the prophet's own presumption.

In 2013 we too are faced with many who try to win us away from simple obedience to GOD's WORD, The HOLY BIBLE. No matter how this is presented, it is revolt against GOD that we must categorically refuse. Our remedy for this is to love The LORD JESUS CHRIST with all our heart and soul, to fear HIM, to keep HIS commandments, to hear HIS Voice, to serve HIM, and to cleave to HIM. No matter what the wrong proposals are, we are to put evil away from our midst.

E. P. Veddar, Jr.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

★ How To Walk With The LORD!

He who walks in his uprightness fears The LORD, but he who is perverse in his ways despises HIM,  (Proverbs 14:2).

A man's conduct is a reflection of his attitude toward The LORD. The righteous man is guided by what he knows will please GOD.

His deepest desire is to bring a smile on His heavenly FATHER's face.
His deep desire is to walk closer and closer to his GOD no matter how long he has been walking with The LORD.
His deepest desire is hear the "Well done" from his ABBA FATHER.

The apostle Paul had been walking with The LORD for about 30 years, but he wasn't content with his past. His desire was to walk closer with HIM and to know HIM in a much deeper way, (Philippians 3:7-10).

We cannot walk with GOD and walk in sin, (Proverbs 3:7; 8:13; 14:16; 1 John 1:5-10).
We cannot walk with GOD and walk in pride, (Proverbs 22:4; James 4:6-10).
We cannot walk with GOD and walk with the world,(Proverbs 23:17; James 4:3-4; 1 John 2:15-17).

In Psalm 73 we have recorded for us a man doing just what John warns us against. He looked at the world with envy. He thought he was missing out. He saw the wicked seemingly getting away with so much, and it almost cost him his faith. He almost compromised with the world he envied. It would seem that he might have even tried to get as close to it as he could without crossing the line! But what was the antidote for Asaph?  What is the antidote for us?  Psalm 73:17 tells us that Asaph went into the presence of The LORD. This helps us clean the lenses of our spiritual eyes.

I would suggest that Asaph then began to fear The LORD! Getting into the presence of The LORD helps us to realign our thinking to be in tune with GOD's thoughts. We begin to see things from HIS point of view!

When we begin to fear The LORD, hate what HE hates, and love what HE loves, we realize what Asaph realized in Psalm 73:25-28, that HE is enough, the heart and mind to fill!  But it all begins with whether or not I fear The LORD!

T. P. Hadley

Friday, 15 November 2013

★ Conditions For Entry Into Heaven!

If a tree falls to the south or the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it shall lie. (Ecclesiastes 11:3).

The first time I went on a favorite walk of mine in the pine forests surrounding my home, I noticed a very tall tree lying full length on the ground. I took a photograph of it, as it confirmed the truth of today's verse. That was 35 years ago. It is still there, though its condition has deteriorated considerably in the meantime.

There are many people about who believe that they will undergo a similar process when they die. They will be lowered into a grave, where their body will rot away, and that will be the end of them. But they are wrong!

The WORD Of GOD makes it clear that death entails the separation of the soul and spirit from the body. The corruption of the body in the grave is not even its end. The hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear HIS voice (i.e. the voice of The SON of GOD) and come forth (John 5:28, 29) as a complete person. All will be resurrected, but not at the same time. There will be the resurrection of life for those who trust solely in JESUS CHRIST and HIS atoning death on the cross for their Salvation. Later the resurrection of condemnation will take place for those who did not believe in JESUS CHRIST by being born again.

But what of the soul and the spirit in the intervening space of time?  Luke 16:19-31 and Philippians 1:23 show that those who are born again believers will rest in paradise in the enjoyment of CHRIST's presence. Those who are unbelievers have to endure the torment of hades before being summoned to the judgement where they will be banished to hell for all eternity.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

WE ALL CAN AND MUST CHOOSE OUR OWN FATE BEFORE WE DIE! AFTER WE DIE, WE WILL NOT GET ANY MORE CHANCES. That is why The BIBLE says in 2 Corinthians 6:2 , "Today is the day of Salvation", for who can say for sure if they will see tomorrow.

Let me leave with you John 3:3, 5  which says, "JESUS replied, 'Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of GOD unless they are born again'."  "JESUS answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of GOD unless they are born of water and the SPIRIT.

So as JESUS HIMSELF said, heaven is for those
Who are baptized in water ONLY after accepting JESUS CHRIST as their SAVIOR and LORD, with their full understanding and willingness and
Who are baptized in The HOLY SPIRIT.

But here again there is an exception. The thief on the cross who was beside JESUS, went to heaven with JESUS just by his faith without being baptized. He did not have a chance to be baptized.  In the same way, there are many who on their death bed give their lives to JESUS and are unable to be baptized. GOD understands. But what about you, my dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS?

Being born in a Christian home and being baptized as a baby because of the traditions and rules made by man will in no way get you a free pass into heaven. JESUS HIMSELF was baptized as an adult, leaving us to follow HIS example. No one can be saved by the faith of his/her parents, and no one else can make that decision for us. We need to decide and then as a symbol of that decision to follow JESUS, we decide to be baptized by water, simply because JESUS commanded us to do so, and JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF did so. And as we all know, one can make such decisions only when they are mature enough to do so, definitely not as a baby. Let us be a people whose laws and rules are what is in the BIBLE.

Mark 7:8 hits the nail on the head when it sadly quotes JESUS saying, "You have let go of the commands of GOD and are holding on to the traditions of man".

There is no other way but absolute faith in JESUS. For JESUS HIMSELF said, "I AM THE WAY, AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". (John 14 : 6).  "The Way" means "The Only Way", otherwise JESUS would have said, I am a way, which means there is more than one way.

Inspired by The HOLY SPIRIT. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

★ It Cost JESUS A Lot! What has it cost you?

Then shall appear the sign of The SON of Man in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the land lament, and they shall see the SON of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, (Matthew 24:30).

This prophecy about HIS return in glory was made by CHRIST HIMSELF. Israel knew well that their nation was to be very great - indeed the center of greatness and blessing previously unknown to all the earth. This subject was the great subject of the prophets who labored, therefore, to bring Israel back to JEHOVAH, since HE alone could accomplish this marvelous change. Messiah,  The CHRIST, will accomplish it!

The great change that we Christians look for when HE returns, however, is not that of being transferred from one earthly condition to another earthly one, but from an earthly condition to a heavenly one. Therefore, how sad the state of those professing Christians who reduce Christianity to a condition of bodily health or financial prosperity!

How soothing, in the midst of the increasing groans of a groaning creation, it is to know that creation soon will not only cease to groan, but will echo and re-echo with joyful praise from one end to the other. How productive of worship it is to the Christian's heart to know that even before this great change takes place on earth, he or she will have been transferred from earth to heaven to be associated with CHRIST in HIS reign over Israel and all the earth! To be witnesses in word, ways and character of such a calling is no trifle.

Our Salvation was very costly to our LORD JESUS CHRIST and to be true to HIM will cost you too . When you consider what it cost HIM, is that too much?

P. J. Loizeaux

We shall behold HIM,
Whom not seen we love;
We shall be with HIM,
Whom we long to see;
We shall be like HIM,
Fit for realms above,
With HIM, and like HIM, for eternity.

J. G. Deck

Keep one thing in mind. We shall, all those who believe, be with JESUS one day and be like JESUS one day, but we will never ever become JESUS. We are the created, and HE is The CREATOR. The created, however much we try, can and never become GOD, The CREATOR. Satan thinking that he could become GOD is what got him into trouble, where he got thrown down from the highest heavens into earth and his fate became sealed in the lake of burning Sulphur.

Inspired by The HOLY SPIRIT.

★ Are You Like The Church of Thyatira!

I know thy works, and love, and faith, and service, and thine endurance, and thy last works to be more than the first, (Revelation 2:19).

The address to Thyatira forecasts the condition of the professing Church in medieval times. The LORD is presented as The SON of GOD with eyes like flames of fire, discerning all evil, and with feet like fine brass, prepared to act against the evil.

During this period the professing Church had great devotedness expressed by love, faith, service and endurance. History confirms The LORD's words, for in spite of much ignorance and superstition there were, during the Middle Ages, a great number of individuals who denied self and patiently suffered for CHRIST's sake.

But despite the devotedness of individuals, during the period the professing Church reached "the depths of satan".For then the Papacy, that system symbolized by "that woman Jezebel" came to the fore. In it we see the exaltation of the flesh, for this woman  "calls herself a prophetess". The Church took the place of a teacher to enunciate doctrine, leading to an unholy alliance with the world, and setting up a system of idolatry in the worship of images and saints. In time the professing Church sought to exalt itself by ruling over the world and pandering to its lusts. The outcome is a professing Church that comes under the searching judgements of The LORD and the sentence of death.

Nevertheless, The LORD still had a remnant who were free from this false teaching and were  strangers to Satan's depths. Such do not look for repentance or reformation of this awful system, but hold fast as individuals to the truth until The LORD JESUS CHRIST comes. Tgen tgey will have their reward.

H. Smith

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

★ A Letter On Guidance!

The Secret of Jehovah is with them that fear HIM, (Psalm 25:14).

We do not expect any revelation or anything extraordinary, but HE, by laying on the mind what is pleasing to HIM, or by some other providential way, will indicate HIS will. This may be so distinct that it virtually amounts to a certainty in the mind, though we may not be able to prove it to another. The great thing is nearness to The LORD, and a subject mind, with the desire, "Show me THY way". HE sets before us an open door, with something to indicate that we may enter. We see HIS hand in it, recognize it and act accordingly.

This is something we have to learn experimentally. It is not easy to teach it to another, because it is not a mere mental or intellectual operation. Some years ago I passed through a great exercise of soul as to how I could know The LORD's will to go here or there. I spoke of it to J. N. Darby once when I met HIM at Alton, Illinois. The answer I got was, "The secret of The LORD is with them that fear HIM". I never forgot it. And I have found since then that when I could get no light, there was some cause, something in my state that hindered full communion.

Often there has been misgivings as to whether I had HIS mind;  but generally I have found that when any step was taken in HIS fear, sooner or later it became manifest that HE had guided. Sometimes it is "bit and bridle", some restraint, some hindrance, but this is where mere nature is working, or will work, and the eye is not clear. But the simple, normal thing is, "I will counsel thee with MINE Eye", (Psalm 32:8-9). GOD's WORD gives us the great principles. GOD's SPIRIT forms our heart in these principles;  and the little details fall into line with them.  We exercise our judgement;  but it is the judgment of a "sound mind"; that is, a mind formed in its workings by The WORD Of GOD.

A. H. Rule

★ Litmus Test: Do You HATE Evil!

The fear of The LORD is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate, (Proverbs 8:13).

How do we look at sin? Often we are concerned more about the consequences of sin than than committing the sin itself. Sometimes it seems that many of us try to see just how close we can get to sin without touching it, or actually getting involved with it. We'll watch it on television or on the Internet without realizing the effect it has on us. In Luke 3:7 GOD likens sin to venomous snakes. HE likens sin to the stench of a sepulcher (a place where human flesh has rotted) in Romans 3:13. In 2 Peter 2:22, HE likens sin to the vomit of dogs, and in 2 Timothy 2:17 GOD likens sin to gangrene or cancer. These are all things that we naturally shy away from. We would not want to get close to any of these things, we run from them! Is this how we treat sin?

GOD hates sin so much and must deal with it, and has dealt with it at Calvary! HE sent The LORD JESUS CHRIST to die and by doing that, to pay the penalty of sin, which is death. So why would we run back to that which we have been set free from and which has cost HIM so much?

Someone has once said, "What The LORD is looking for is men and women who fear GOD and hate sin!" These two things go hand in hand and are illustrated for us in Job's life. We read in Job 1:1 that Job was a blameless man, meaning that the life he lived he lived before others was one of integrity. He also was an upright man, meaning that he sought to live his life in a way pleasing to GOD. But the foundation for Job's character was the fact that he feared GOD and shunned evil. Job sought to live out the words he later repeats,"Behold, the fear of The LORD, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding, (Job 28:28).

Can that be said of me too? 

Monday, 11 November 2013

★ A Word For Today!

Thus saith The LORD: Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth , and the sea, and the dry land; and I will shake the nations, and the desire of all the nations shall come. (Haggai 2:6-7).

But this yet once again, signifies the removing of what is shaken, as being made, that what is not shaken may remain, (Hebrews 12:27).

No one will deny that we have recently experienced an unknown degree of natural disasters. The number of forest fires, most of which have originated from lightning strikes, which have been in excess of those reported in the previous years. So are the number of tornados that have devastated whole towns in Alabama, Kentucky and Ontario. Floods have covered great tracts of rural and urban land. Earthquakes that shook the Indian and Pacific Oceans a few years ago were followed by one near Japan that, through its accompanying Tsunami, they destroyed great swaths of land and greatly affected much of Japan's nuclear industry. Many who have felt the impact of these disasters firsthand readily agree: Both earth and heaven have been shaken. The August 2011 earthquake in Virginia surprised many people. Who had ever expected such a strong earthquake in the eastern United States!  Yet, it was felt in places well over a 1000 miles from its epicenter.


Sad to say, most people will not even think of GOD, though some may cry in their distress: "Oh GOD, save me", yet soon forget that they ever called on The GOD whose existence they thus far have denied. Still, GOD has spoken!  HE has told us that, "Yet once again I will shake the heavens and the earth". Those who know HIM as their GOD and FATHER through The LORD JESUS CHRIST realize that "The desire of all the nations shall come". The day is at hand!  Indeed, The LORD's coming is very near, almost at the door. LORD JESUS CHRIST, come!

J. Van Dijk

Sunday, 10 November 2013

♥ Do Not Follow A Crowd!

When the wicked are multiplied, transgressions increases; but the righteous will see their fall. - Proverbs 29:16.

The English Philosopher and Noble prize winner, Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), tells in his autobiography that he was given a BIBLE as a present from his grandmother. On the fly-leaf were inscribed her favorite passages. One of them was: "You shall not follow a crowd to do evil", (Exodus 23:2). That verse, which she had selected and emphasized, had preserved him later in life from the fear of "belonging to a minority".

This recommendation from The WORD Of GOD that Lady Russell had passed on to her grandson is still worth heeding. We live in an age in which many follow the motto: "Wrong is right if it is what the majority want" or in other words, "Right is what the majority want". What a fatal error that is! How often has general opinion a totally subjective, emotional basis, or it is dictated by purely egotistical tendencies. No wonder that righteousness and morality suffer as a result. If people do not inquire after GOD and HIS will, but make their own interests their yardstick for right and wrong, the  "fall" of which the verse speaks of is sure to take place.

However, belonging to a minority is also insufficient, for minorities can also err. We need to belong those who actually do the will of GOD. We c find HI will in the WORD of GOD, The HOLY BIBLE.

"The world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of GOD abides forever", (1 John 2:17).

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

♥ The End Will Come Like A Thief! Be Ready!

You yourselves know perfectly that the day of The LORD so comes as a thief in the night. For when t say, Peace and safety! Then sudden destruction comes upon them. 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.

17 year old Fred Kamaka had just reached his school in Hawaii on an early December morning in 1941. It was just after half past seven and "a wonderful, quiet morning; the sky was like velvet and the air full of the fragrance of blossoms", as he remembered it. There were only a few white cotton-wool clouds hovering over the mountains. The view went down to Pearl Harbor, where eight big battleships were moored for all to see. In addition there were eight cruisers, 29 destroyers and submarines, mine-layers and supply vessels of the American Pacific fleet.

"When I saw the first planes coming over the mountains, I thought nothing of it", our eye-witness reported. "But more and more came. They tipped their wings and started dive-bombing. I saw balls of fire and clouds of smoke before I heard the detonations." No one was prepared for the Japanese attack. But suddenly it was clear that war had broken out for the U.S.A. and the entire Pacific. It had terrible consequences, e.g. the later atomic bomb attacks on Japan.

The judgement day of The LORD will be even worse. Both the prophets of the Old Testament and JESUS CHRIST and HIS apostles speak of it. That day, too, will come unexpectedly, but not without a timely warning. GOD's wish is not that people should be lost, but that all should be saved. That is why believing Christians give the warning on HIS behalf: "Be reconciled to GOD before it's too late", (2 Corinthians 5:11, 20).

♥ GOD Is Not Dead!

Thus says The LORD, ... Is MY Hand shortened at all that it cannot redeem? Or have I no power to deliver? - Isaiah 50:1, 2.
I have surely seen the oppression of my people, ...I have heard their groaning. - Acts 7:34.

The famous black American leader, Frederick Douglas (1818-1895), a former slave, made a moving speech in Boston, when the situation of the colored people was part critical: "We can't go to Africa ; it wouldn't solve our problem. We can't g to Canada, the climate doesn't suit us . And here, deprived of all our rights, we are intimidated and ill-treated.

When he sat down, there was an overpowering silence. Then an elderly lady, worn out by work, stood up and asked loudly, "Frederick, is GOD dead then?" Murmurings of hope wen through the hall. A light had been lit and the dark picture painted by Douglas had vanished. Through that woman's question everyone's attention was fixed on the power of The Sovereign GOD who can thoroughly change any situation, whatever it is, and respond to the most difficult questions.

Doesn't this resemble our life when we see worries piling up like clouds before the storm?  Are we so preoccupied by an inextricable situation that discouragement overcomes us? Let us turn our thoughts to our faithful GOD. Let us remember that HE loves us and is omnipotent. For all our problems HE has unexpected solutions, and whatever HE does, or fails to do, HE wishes to fill us with unlimited peace. The apostle Paul wrote: "HE said to me,  MY grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness", (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Saturday, 9 November 2013

♥♥♥ Redemption Is Buying Back!

Thus says The LORD, ...Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name.  You are MINE. - Isaiah 43:1
You were redeemed not with silver or gold but with the precious blood of JESUS CHRIST, ... who through HIM believe in GOD. - 1 Peter 1:18-21

Quentin spent hours constructing a magnificent model yacht. He carved the hull from a block of wood, made the masts, and with his mother's help the sails. One day, at last, the yacht was finished. The only thing to do now was to test it on the nearby canal. It worked! The breeze distended the saiks, and the boat floated. But suddenly three fellows appeared and jostled Quentin, seized the yacht and made off. The boy was flustered and sad. Some days later, passing the shop of a second-hand dealer, Quentin could not believe his eyes. There was his boat displayed in the shop window."Sir, that's my boat. I made it. Give it back to me, please! "  - Certainly, young man, " the dealer replied, "if you pay the price on the tag. I bought it only last week from a couple of boys." How could he get together the sum asked?  His parents when they heard of their son's desire to get back what he had spend days making, were only too happy to put up the money for him. He rushed to the shop and bought back the boat he had so enthusiastically made.

This account reminds us of our own story. GOD created our race with so much of love and in HIS OWN image. Man was the work of HIS OWN Hands. But by disobeying GOD, man became the slave of sin and satan. To end this bondage GOD paid the highest possible price: HE GAVE HIS ONLY PRECIOUS SON JESUS CHRIST, WHO DIED AT CALVARY TO PAY THE PENALTY FOR SIN, WHICH SEPARATED US FROM GOD. By faith in HIS work everyone can not only enter into a relationship with GOD but actually know HIM as FATHER and JESUS CHRIST as the ONE who redeemed us by paying the highest price anyone could ever pay for the worst of sinners like us.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

Now let us ask ourselves this question. Was there any need for GOD to pay any price at all for something that was already HIS? The ONE who could command the stormy seas to quieten down with just a word, the one who commands the countless of HIS Angel armies, and before whom the mountains skip like rams, The ONE who can make even the stones praise HIM, could HE not with just a word make the people HE created do anything that HE wanted, make us HIS slaves. But HE did not do that. HE wanted us to come to HIM and love HIM willingly. And for that, HE payed such a great price, simply because HE loved us so much. The perfect definition of love is given by what The FATHER did for you and me, and by what JESUS CHRIST did for us in the cross . As The BIBLE tells us, There is no greater love than this, FOR while we were still sinners, The GOD of the heavens and the earth and under the earth, send HIS only precious SON, JESUS CHRIST, to die in our place so that our sins could be dealt with once and for all.

I was inspired by The HOLY SPIRIT in writing this. So the writer was and is The HOLY SPIRIT, I'm just the pen HE has used to get the message across.

♥ My Way To GOD!

We can do nothing against the truth. - 2 Corinthians 13:8

I spent my youth in the former Soviet Union. There I read lots of books that opposed the Christian faith. But on one day the question crossed my mind: If GOD does not exist, why all these efforts to resist HIM?  In our communist society the whole system -schools, the media, science and arts - fought against the faith. How were Christians able to maintain their assurance of faith and their peace, although they were ostracized? My own parents' example was always before me: they were committed Christians.

One day I decided to accompany them to a Christian gathering. During the sermon I considered the question: How can anyone pray to some they cannot see? It seemed absurd to me. Nevertheless the question plagued me.

Six months later I again heard a Christian preacher and was touched by the Gospel. Then I was overwhelmed by persuasive thoughts not to give way. The thoughts said, "If you get involved in the Christian faith, you will have to give up everything. You will lose your friends. Your studies and your prospects for the future will be frittered away." However I knelt down and my tears flowed - not for what I would lose, but because of the newly found knowledge that The great GOD loved me immensely. I called on HIM asking HIM to forgive my unbelief and my sins. And GOD answered me. HE granted me forgiveness and peace!  Now it was no longer an assumption that GOD might exist. I knew it. And I also knew that JESUS was my SAVIOR and my dearest LORD.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

How many times do we believe in things that we have not seen? We believe because some great people said so. How much greater is JESUS?  How much more should we believe in HIM?

Inspired by The HOLY GHOST. 

★ Difference Between Christianity and Other Religions!

The base things of this world and the things which are despised, GOD has chosen. - 1 Corinthians 1:28.

All the religions devised by mankind make demands as to things that people should do or should not do. These must be fulfilled in order to come to GOD. Right from their conception these religions are basically only for people who have a religious disposition or are confident of their ability to lead a particularly good life. For those who are lost, desperate, inferior or weak these religions offer no help, counsel or way of escape. Such persons are left coldly and mercilessly to their fate.

The Gospel of the grace of GOD, on the other hand, appeals to precisely such persons who need a helper, a redeemer, ONE who can grant them salvation. Our merciful GOD deigns to meet all whom other people, even the religious, fail to heed. That is why The LORD'S people consists of those who recognized their lost state and know that they need salvation. Therefore they accept The Gospel.

The wise and religious of this world find it difficult to come to the light;  their self-righteousness stands in their way. They think too highly of themselves and belittle GOD's righteousness and grace. They mock the redemption that GOD offers them in CHRIST.

Whoever entertains thoughts like the Pharisee in the temple of Jerusalem: "GOD I thank YOU that I am not like other men", cannot be helped. But whoever suffers from his burden of sin, like the tax-collector in this incident, and confesses their sins before GOD wholeheartedly, will be forgiven, (Luke 18:9-14). CHRIST JESUS is his SAVIOR and HELPER, and HE will never leave HIM.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

Friday, 8 November 2013

♥ A Testimony From Eastern Asia!

JESUS spoke saying, ...I am the light of the world. He who follows ME shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. - John 8 : 12.

"At my secondary school I thought a lot about the important question of life. My parents loved me deeply, but I was suffering because I saw no sense and no aim in my life. In addition I had often seen how young people slid into a corrupt life despite their good upbringing. For a long time I tried to find a way of keeping temptations and sinful tendencies under control. And although I was so young, the question of what followed death left me no peace."

"Buddhism failed to appeal to me, because it spoke only of the future and had no answer for the present. On the Contrary, Confucianism dealt with the present, leaving no hope for the future. So I rejected these two religions. The Christian faith offers answers concerning the present and the future, but I was greatly prejudiced against it, as it seemed to me to be a western religion that was foreign to our culture."

"When I was eighteen GOD drew me toward HIM. When I was alone in my room one night, it became crystal clear to me how unjustified my prejudice of The BIBLE was. I knelt down and confessed my sins to GOD. That evening I received The LORD JESUS CHRIST into my life. That changed everything for me. I found freedom and happiness."

"My later life did not go smoothly. Because of,my faith I was imprisoned and exiled. But I can testify that GOD has always remained faithful."

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

★ Cheating? So What?

Each of us shall give account of himself to GOD. - Romans 14 : 12.

There is no creature hidden from HIS sight, but all things are naked and open to The Eyes of HIM to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:13.

A flagrant foul, a goal allowed by the referee, and the team has qualified. One of the patrons of football responded to all the criticism indifferently: "Cheat?  Cheat?  Let people look around the world. Cheating - I could find plenty of it."

This is the common attitude, not only in the field of sport. We can always find people worse than ourselves, and take advantage of the fact and use it to stifle our conscience, thinking that, being no worse than others, we'll get to Paradise.

GOD does not see things in this light;  HE will accept no one in heaven on the basis of what is commonly called "normal behavior". HE does not compare one with another to determine who is "better". HE assesses everyone according to the same criterion, HIS own Holiness. A referee may make a mistake; GOD never does. HE sees all our deeds and our actions and knows all our intentions, too. HIS verdict is the same for all:
"There is none righteous, no not one".- Romans 3:11.

Let us not imagine we can escape from GOD's sight. Let us rather confess our sins and accept HIS grace. JESUS CHRIST, HIS SON, came to this earth in PERSON to undergo the judgement we deserved in our stead. HIS love led HIM to do so, in order that we should not perish. HE wished to give us a pure heart and teach us what truth and right really are, so that we no longer cheat or deceive.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

★ Only Sinless Blood Can Save You and me!

It is the blood that makes atonement. - Leviticus 17:11.

At a public function in San Francisco a Jew told me how his faith had affected his life. Having grown up in a strictly orthodox parental home in the land of his fathers, he had been well acquainted with the commandments of the Mosaic law from childhood and endeavored to live accordingly.

Early on he had been struck by the significance of the blood of animal sacrifices in GOD's law. As early as the Exodus, when the children of Israel left Egypt, the blood of the Passover lamb had played a decisive part. It had to be distinctly visible on the Israelites' houses or the angel bringing death and judgment would not pass them by and spare them, (Exodus 12).

In many other passages of The Torah (the first five books written by Moses), the atoning blood was mentioned. Our Jewish friend understood its necessity very well. He and all other members of his nation were not in a position to keep GOD's commandments unexceptionably. They were therefore dependant on the Propitiation made for their failings. So animals had to be slain, as GOD had commanded Moses.

Finding a total lack of blood in all the ritual that his brethren in the faith practiced, that Jew was surprised. A Rabbi answered his nagging question: "GOD is angry with us: HIS people are scattered, and The Temple is destroyed. On the mount where it should stand, the only place where sacrifices can be made, now stands an Islamic mosque. That's why no blood can be shed for our sins." Our friend understood that, yet his own sins and the lack of the blood of atonement still troubled him.

Our GOD-fearing Jewish friend was worried because it was no longer possible to make sacrifices as decreed in the law of Moses. What would become of him, if no atonement ensued through the blood of animals sacrificed? This compelling question occupied our friend for years to come.

Later when he lived in Istanbul, he went through the town one evening and saw a notice announcing a meeting for Jews. Curious, he entered and sat down. The speaker was just saying, "The blood of JESUS CHRIST cleanses us from all sin".

The visitor listened tensely as JESUS was presented as "The LAMB of GOD" who came to earth to shed HIS blood for the forgiveness of sins. That evening he realized: "Atlast  I have found the atoning blood!" Through faith in The LORD JESUS CHRIST, he obtained the forgiveness of his sins and peace with GOD. How he had longed for that?  GOD knew his heart's desire and GOD lead him to the truth.

Later our friend learned from the New Testament that the blood of the animals sacrificed could never take away a single sin. Those offerings merely pointed to the unique, perfect sacrifice that GOD HIMSELF gave in HIS great love toward us: JESUS CHRIST on the cross of Calvary. THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY MEANS OF PROPITIATION FOR OUR SINS.


Without the shedding of blood there is no remission. - Hebrews 9:22.

The blood of JESUS CHRIST, The SON of GOD, cleanses us from all sin.- 1 John 1:7.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

♥ His Small Daughter's Prayer!

Before they call, I will answer;  and while they are still speaking, I will hear. - Isaiah 65:24.

A freethinker had held an address before a large congregation. He had attacked faith and poured scorn on those "naive people" who still believe in prayer. Suddenly a man in the audience stood up and asked for permission to speak.

"You see before you a man who was once one of the most wretched man in the whole town. I was addicted to alcohol and gambling. I used to beat my wife. I was nothing but a lout. My wife and daughter were terrified whenever they heard me enter the house. Yet my wife prayed for me for years on end. And she taught our young child to pray for her father too.

"One evening I returned home earlier than usual. This time I was not drunk. When I opened the door, my wife had just gone upstairs to put the little one to bed.i kept quiet and pricked up my ears. My small daughter prayed,"LORD, save my dad. Please, LORD JESUS, save my dear dad!"

They did not know that I was listening. I left the house without making a sound. I was thunderstruck. Was I still  "dear dad" to my child?  I do not think I had ever given her a kiss up to then. I was choked. Desperately I prayed, "LORD, help me! Answer my child's prayer!" And The LORD did answer.

"Today I am grateful for the strength that GOD gives me to be a proper husband and father. We are now a happy family. That is why6i believe in GOD, for HE does hear and respond to prayers."

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

♥ Only One Thing Counts!

If the Gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the gods of this age have blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the Gospel of the Glory of CHRIST, who is the image of GOD, should shine on them. 2  Corinthians  4 : 3, 4.

Only one thing counts for Kouri, a Japanese sailor, and that is pleasure. He wants nothing to do with JESUS CHRIST. For Kouri HE is just the GOD of foreigners. One day Kouri was again in one of Tokyo's most disreputable districts. He suddenly felt a hand touching his arm. Someone handed him a printed leaf. Was it one of those Christian tracks? He screwed it up and threw it away.

Not long after Kouri was in the same street again. A group of Christians were singing hymns of faith. Kouri approached and listened. Finally a Japanese young man stepped forward and read aloud: "The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of GOD." -1 Corinthians 1 : 18.

Kouri was attracted: the start of the verse sounded interesting. It appealed to him: "The message of the cross is foolishness", just what he was telling himself it was. But then came the annoying thing: the young man added loudly: "Yes, it is foolishness for those who are perishing. If anyone here considers the Gospel madness, then this is a sure sign that he is one of those!" The words struck Kouri like lightning. Was he one of those who were perishing?

When finally the group broke up, Kouri went up to the young preacher with the courage and strength that GOD gives at such decisive moments. He was filled with the desire to learn more about "The message of the cross" and to know the power of GOD that brings Salvation which is available ONLY in JESUS CHRIST.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

♥ Saved From The Fire!

The WORD of GOD is living and active. -Hebrews 4:12.
JESUS said, The Words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. John 6 : 61, 63.

A farmer in South Korea had bought copies of the Gospels by Matthew and Luke and read them with interest. When he was working in the fields away from his home one day, his house caught fire and was totally destroyed. On returning, he could only ascertain that all the contents had been destroyed, except the two Gospels. Someone had saved them from the fire, not really knowing what they were.

That made a deep impression on the farmer. He read the two booklets again, now with increasing interest. Then he told the people in his village about them. At first his neighbors made fun of him and avoided him. But because he was always so friendly and helpful, they again began to make closer contact with him.

The result was that eighty villagers turned to JESUS CHRIST, and that because of the two booklets containing Matthew's and Luke's Gospels;  they never met a preacher of The Good News.

This shows once again that The WORD Of GOD possesses its own living and life giving power. Whoever reads The BIBLE attentively and is prepared to listen carefully to what GOD has to say will understand its message and receive the tons of blessings it contains.

"MY WORD...shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it". -Isaiah 55 : 11.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

♥ The Most Treasured Book, The BIBLE!

When you received The WORD Of GOD, which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, The WORD Of GOD. -1 Thessalonians 2:13.

At first I had to smile when I saw the cartoon, but then it made me think. It depicted a customer in a bookshop who wanted to buy a BIBLE. The saleslady at the computer had some difficulty with the order and asked, "The BIBLE - do you know the name of the author? "

I think the cartoonist had hit the nail on the head. That is how far things have come: The B is fast becoming an unknown book. As Christians we know that this is the reason for much of the trouble of our day and age: IMMORTALITY, ADULTARY, FORNICATION, ADDICTION, CRIMINALITY, Etc. However, even intelligent people do not recognize this nowadays.

In people's personal spheres the lack of knowledge of The BIBLE is all to clear. Many seek sense and guidance where it cannot be found: in art, in outward and new age religious forms and practices, in Science or pseu-science (which has the appearance of scholarship). The BIBLE, The Book of GOD's communications to us, even though is  available in almost every bookstore, we hardly want to purchase it. That is where the seeker finds the answers to almost all the decisive questions of life. In Christian households, there are many BIBLE's which we have never even touched.

A young nurse had always wanted to read The BIBLE. One day she saw it on special offer by the cash desk in a bookstore where she was shopping and bought one. The more she read only increased the frequency with which she came across questions that she never thought about before. GOD led that young woman to meet someone who showed her the way to JESUS CHRIST. Now The BIBLE is her most treasured book.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

My brothers and sisters in CHRIST, is the BIBLE your treasured book, too. Unless we were to take time out and spend it on reading The BIBLE, we would never find the treasures hidden in it.

Inspired by The HOLY GHOST.

♥ The GOD of Love and Goodness!

Do you despise the riches of HIS goodness, forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of GOD leads to repentance?  - Romans 2:4.

No one is good but one, that is GOD.  - Mark 10:18

In one of his last works published in 1968, the French novelist, Henry de Montgerlant wrote: "My earthly adventure is coming to an end...Soon my soul will fly away, and if the GOD of the Christians proves good, as they maintain, in spite of everything, I shall be untroubled." Four years later he took his own life.

Did the writer die with such illusion and misunderstanding? The GOD of the Christians is The ONE GOOD GOD AND THE ONLY TRUE GOD;  THERE IS NO OTHER. But HE is not the GOD of Love as many lightly assert without knowing HIM. Strangely enough, they do not hesitate to make HIM responsible for all mankind's misfortunes.

The GOD of the Christians is indeed good;  HE iS THE ONE TRUE GOD. And HE is also good in that HE wishes all to be saved. But HE is more than that: HE IS A HOLY GOD AS WELL. HE condemns sin inexorably and allows nothing to pass HIM by. HE is the GOD of truth who censures every lie and keeps account of even the slightest injustice committed on earth.

Let us not be deceived: GOD'S GOODNESS IS BY NO MEANS INDULGENCE. It consists above all in leading souls to repentance so that they turn to HIS SON, who submitted to the punishment that  they deserved in their place.  That is the gift of GOD!

Shall we despise the riches of GOD's immense goodness and forbearance?

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

★ Propitiation and Forgiveness!

For a person's sins to be forgiven, GOD's holiness must first be satisfied: Propitiation (or atonement) must take place, for every sinful deed is an offense against HIM. Only then can GOD forgive.

Let us glance at the Old Testament. When an Israelite had sinned, he had to make an offering for sin. The blood of the animal sacrificed was poured out at the foot of the altar, the fat was burnt on the altar, and then we read: "So shall the priest make atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them". - Leviticus 4 : 20, 26, 35.

There was thus first the propitiation and then forgiveness. But where could we find an offering that would satisfy GOD's Holiness?  Our verses above tell us: GOD gave one HIMSELF in HIS great love. JESUS, The SON of GOD is the Propitiation for our sins. JESUS fulfilled GOD's Holy claims and demands at the cross. Now everyone can come and for himself lay hold of the Propitiation made by CHRIST.

Whoever does so receives forgiveness. That is the outcome of Propitiation for the believer. GOD never remembers sins that have been forgiven: "Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more" -Hebrews 10 : 17. The LORD JESUS said, "This is my blood...which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins" -(Matthew 26:28). Can all our readers be counted among the "many"?

This wonderful reading is taken from the book, The Good Seed. It has wonderful articles that will make you fall in love with your MAKER.