Tuesday, 26 November 2013

★ Oppressed And Afflicted, Yet Silent!

HE was oppressed and afflicted, yet HE did not open HIS mouth; HE was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so HE did not open HIS mouth, (Isaiah 53:7).

When they hurled their insults at HIM, HE did not retaliate; when HE suffered, HE made no threats. Instead HE entrusted HIMSELF to HIM who judges justly, (1 Peter 2:23).

HE committed no sin, and no deceit was found in HIS mouth, (1 Peter 2:22).

The LAMB of GOD was silent. When The LORD JESUS CHRIST was being ill-treated, HE uttered no malice nor any word of revenge or threatening words. When HE was falsely accused, HE made no complaints from and expressed no bitterness, nor did HE call for retaliation, although all this was in HIS power. How we wonder at HIS silence,; how different from us! We are often so ensnared in self- sympathy or self-justification that we fail to keep silent. Yet we are called upon to follow our LORD’s example,(1 Peter 2:19-23).

The LAMB of GOD was sacrificed. The death of JESUS CHRIST was historically no chance happening. Seen naturally, it appears that JESUS of Nazareth was in the wrong place at the wrong time. If only HE had stayed in Galilee! If only HE had defended HIMSELF or escaped when HE had the chance!  However, from the divine viewpoint everything occurred  according to GOD's plan at just the right time, not a moment too soon nor a moment late.

The LAMB of GOD is now standing. If the epistle to the Hebrews states that JESUS CHRIST sat down as a priest, we understand that HIS vicarious work of suffering and dying for our sins has been accomplished. The question of our sins has been settled. The LAMB standing expresses the same fact of faith. Having been slain once for all time, The LAMB of GOD now stands in  the  triumph of HIS resurrection.  GOD be praised!

Taken from The Good Seed.

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