Tuesday, 12 November 2013

★ Litmus Test: Do You HATE Evil!

The fear of The LORD is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate, (Proverbs 8:13).

How do we look at sin? Often we are concerned more about the consequences of sin than than committing the sin itself. Sometimes it seems that many of us try to see just how close we can get to sin without touching it, or actually getting involved with it. We'll watch it on television or on the Internet without realizing the effect it has on us. In Luke 3:7 GOD likens sin to venomous snakes. HE likens sin to the stench of a sepulcher (a place where human flesh has rotted) in Romans 3:13. In 2 Peter 2:22, HE likens sin to the vomit of dogs, and in 2 Timothy 2:17 GOD likens sin to gangrene or cancer. These are all things that we naturally shy away from. We would not want to get close to any of these things, we run from them! Is this how we treat sin?

GOD hates sin so much and must deal with it, and has dealt with it at Calvary! HE sent The LORD JESUS CHRIST to die and by doing that, to pay the penalty of sin, which is death. So why would we run back to that which we have been set free from and which has cost HIM so much?

Someone has once said, "What The LORD is looking for is men and women who fear GOD and hate sin!" These two things go hand in hand and are illustrated for us in Job's life. We read in Job 1:1 that Job was a blameless man, meaning that the life he lived he lived before others was one of integrity. He also was an upright man, meaning that he sought to live his life in a way pleasing to GOD. But the foundation for Job's character was the fact that he feared GOD and shunned evil. Job sought to live out the words he later repeats,"Behold, the fear of The LORD, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding, (Job 28:28).

Can that be said of me too? 

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