If a tree falls to the south or the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it shall lie. (Ecclesiastes 11:3).
The first time I went on a favorite walk of mine in the pine forests surrounding my home, I noticed a very tall tree lying full length on the ground. I took a photograph of it, as it confirmed the truth of today's verse. That was 35 years ago. It is still there, though its condition has deteriorated considerably in the meantime.
There are many people about who believe that they will undergo a similar process when they die. They will be lowered into a grave, where their body will rot away, and that will be the end of them. But they are wrong!
The WORD Of GOD makes it clear that death entails the separation of the soul and spirit from the body. The corruption of the body in the grave is not even its end. The hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear HIS voice (i.e. the voice of The SON of GOD) and come forth (John 5:28, 29) as a complete person. All will be resurrected, but not at the same time. There will be the resurrection of life for those who trust solely in JESUS CHRIST and HIS atoning death on the cross for their Salvation. Later the resurrection of condemnation will take place for those who did not believe in JESUS CHRIST by being born again.
But what of the soul and the spirit in the intervening space of time? Luke 16:19-31 and Philippians 1:23 show that those who are born again believers will rest in paradise in the enjoyment of CHRIST's presence. Those who are unbelievers have to endure the torment of hades before being summoned to the judgement where they will be banished to hell for all eternity.
Taken from the book, The Good Seed.
WE ALL CAN AND MUST CHOOSE OUR OWN FATE BEFORE WE DIE! AFTER WE DIE, WE WILL NOT GET ANY MORE CHANCES. That is why The BIBLE says in 2 Corinthians 6:2 , "Today is the day of Salvation", for who can say for sure if they will see tomorrow.
Let me leave with you John 3:3, 5 which says, "JESUS replied, 'Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of GOD unless they are born again'." "JESUS answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of GOD unless they are born of water and the SPIRIT.
So as JESUS HIMSELF said, heaven is for those
Who are baptized in water ONLY after accepting JESUS CHRIST as their SAVIOR and LORD, with their full understanding and willingness and
Who are baptized in The HOLY SPIRIT.
But here again there is an exception. The thief on the cross who was beside JESUS, went to heaven with JESUS just by his faith without being baptized. He did not have a chance to be baptized. In the same way, there are many who on their death bed give their lives to JESUS and are unable to be baptized. GOD understands. But what about you, my dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS?
Being born in a Christian home and being baptized as a baby because of the traditions and rules made by man will in no way get you a free pass into heaven. JESUS HIMSELF was baptized as an adult, leaving us to follow HIS example. No one can be saved by the faith of his/her parents, and no one else can make that decision for us. We need to decide and then as a symbol of that decision to follow JESUS, we decide to be baptized by water, simply because JESUS commanded us to do so, and JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF did so. And as we all know, one can make such decisions only when they are mature enough to do so, definitely not as a baby. Let us be a people whose laws and rules are what is in the BIBLE.
Mark 7:8 hits the nail on the head when it sadly quotes JESUS saying, "You have let go of the commands of GOD and are holding on to the traditions of man".
There is no other way but absolute faith in JESUS. For JESUS HIMSELF said, "I AM THE WAY, AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". (John 14 : 6). "The Way" means "The Only Way", otherwise JESUS would have said, I am a way, which means there is more than one way.
Inspired by The HOLY SPIRIT.
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