Wednesday, 20 November 2013

★ Reality Check! Does GOD's Light Make You Uneasy?

Everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his evil deeds should be exposed, (John 3:20).

Everyone practicing evil should not make us think of wicked practices or coarse crimes. It involves everyone who does not want his life to be disturbed by GOD and HIS light.

To the outward appearance they may lead an upright life that is in many respects exemplary. But JESUS CHRIST, who observes the innermost recesses of our hearts pronounces a solemn judgement on them: they hate the light.

In the final instance they prefer darkness, where they feel safe. Everything is the same grey or black. The light of GOD casts no shadow, and no one need feel ashamed before other people. They have their excuses and reject GOD's yardstick of good and evil. They prefer seeing nothing - either of GOD or man - so as to avoid looking harmful reality in the face. But what use is it all, and where does it lead to?

Whoever recoils from GOD's assessment of him already here on earth will have to concede that it is indeed futile, for in the resurrection he will have to enter GOD's light and HIS Holy Presence. And the just sentence pronounced will bring him into eternal darkness.

For this reason it is imperative to seek the light of GOD now and admit that things are not right with HIM. That is the first step on the pathway to eternal light. The second is putting one's faith in The LORD JESUS CHRIST, who came into this world and died on the cross to save sinners like us. "HE said, I am the light of the world. He who follows ME shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life", (John 8:12).

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

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