He who hears MY word and believes in HIM who sent ME has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death to life, (John 5 : 24).
We must all appear before the judgement seat of JESUS CHRIST, that each one may recieve the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad, (2 Corinthians 5 : 10).
The two verses above state: believers will not suffer judgement but they must appear before CHRIST's judgement seat. How can they be reconciled? Now the second verse speaks only of appearing there for a manifestation; no sentence will be pronounced.
Whoever rejects CHRIST JESUS will appear before GOD's judgement seat, (Romans 14:10; Acts 20:12) and be condemned. The evil he has committed cannot be effaced by any good he has done.
If I accepted CHRIST JESUS, on the other hand, I shall not come into judgment because the punishment my sins merited has already been borne by JESUS CHRIST, my SAVIOR. However, I still must appear before HIS judgement seat so that all can be revealed. My whole life, all that I have forgotten or concealed, will be placed before me. No condemnation, but loss regarding any evil I have done. The SAVIOR will reward me for all the good done on HIS behalf, even a cup of water given in HIS NAME.
The thought of the judgment seat does not terrify me anymore because The JUDGE seated there will be my SAVIOR, who bore all my sins. There I shall be aware of HIS perfect grace. I SHALL REALIZE THE GRAVITY OF MY SIN, BUT ALSO THE IMMENSITY OF HIS DIVINE LOVE.
This perspective makes me conscious of the earnestness of life and encourages me to live close to my SAVIOR.
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