Wednesday, 20 November 2013

♥ HE Took my Place!

I am The Good SHEPHERD. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep, (John 10:11).

When we were still sinners, still without strength, in due time JESUS CHRIST died for the ungodly, (Romans 5 : 6).

An Italian female reporter in Iraq had just been freed from captivity as a hostage. With a secret service agent, who had played a decisive part in her liberation, she was on her way to the airport. Almost half a mile before arriving they came under heavy fire. The agent immediately covered the journalist with his body to protect her from the bullets. He was fatally wounded, but she escaped with her life.

That makes us think of the voluntary sacrificial death of The SON of GOD, JESUS CHRIST. GOD is Holy: He cannot simply ignore sin. HE must expose all that is wrong, and put it right. That corresponds to HIS nature. But GOD is also love. So HE sent HIS own SON, JESUS CHRIST, and gave HIM unto death for us. In HIS great love, HE wishes to save the godless;  that also corresponds to HIS nature.

The SON of GOD came to earth to suffer and die in the place of guilty people. There was not the slightest trace of sin in HIS Person. Therefore HE was the only ONE who could protect us from the judgement we deserve. And HE did so! On the cross of Calvary,  JESUS underwent indescribable suffering: GOD turned away from HIM and abandoned HIM. HE laid on HIM the iniquity of us all, (Isaiah 53:6).

Who benefits from that? All who acknowledge that they deserved GOD's condemnation and now trust in JESUS CHRIST. In HIS sacrifice, made for us, they find protection and redemption.

Taken from the book, The Good Seed.

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