Wednesday, 13 November 2013

★ It Cost JESUS A Lot! What has it cost you?

Then shall appear the sign of The SON of Man in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the land lament, and they shall see the SON of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, (Matthew 24:30).

This prophecy about HIS return in glory was made by CHRIST HIMSELF. Israel knew well that their nation was to be very great - indeed the center of greatness and blessing previously unknown to all the earth. This subject was the great subject of the prophets who labored, therefore, to bring Israel back to JEHOVAH, since HE alone could accomplish this marvelous change. Messiah,  The CHRIST, will accomplish it!

The great change that we Christians look for when HE returns, however, is not that of being transferred from one earthly condition to another earthly one, but from an earthly condition to a heavenly one. Therefore, how sad the state of those professing Christians who reduce Christianity to a condition of bodily health or financial prosperity!

How soothing, in the midst of the increasing groans of a groaning creation, it is to know that creation soon will not only cease to groan, but will echo and re-echo with joyful praise from one end to the other. How productive of worship it is to the Christian's heart to know that even before this great change takes place on earth, he or she will have been transferred from earth to heaven to be associated with CHRIST in HIS reign over Israel and all the earth! To be witnesses in word, ways and character of such a calling is no trifle.

Our Salvation was very costly to our LORD JESUS CHRIST and to be true to HIM will cost you too . When you consider what it cost HIM, is that too much?

P. J. Loizeaux

We shall behold HIM,
Whom not seen we love;
We shall be with HIM,
Whom we long to see;
We shall be like HIM,
Fit for realms above,
With HIM, and like HIM, for eternity.

J. G. Deck

Keep one thing in mind. We shall, all those who believe, be with JESUS one day and be like JESUS one day, but we will never ever become JESUS. We are the created, and HE is The CREATOR. The created, however much we try, can and never become GOD, The CREATOR. Satan thinking that he could become GOD is what got him into trouble, where he got thrown down from the highest heavens into earth and his fate became sealed in the lake of burning Sulphur.

Inspired by The HOLY SPIRIT.

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