Wednesday, 13 November 2013

★ Are You Like The Church of Thyatira!

I know thy works, and love, and faith, and service, and thine endurance, and thy last works to be more than the first, (Revelation 2:19).

The address to Thyatira forecasts the condition of the professing Church in medieval times. The LORD is presented as The SON of GOD with eyes like flames of fire, discerning all evil, and with feet like fine brass, prepared to act against the evil.

During this period the professing Church had great devotedness expressed by love, faith, service and endurance. History confirms The LORD's words, for in spite of much ignorance and superstition there were, during the Middle Ages, a great number of individuals who denied self and patiently suffered for CHRIST's sake.

But despite the devotedness of individuals, during the period the professing Church reached "the depths of satan".For then the Papacy, that system symbolized by "that woman Jezebel" came to the fore. In it we see the exaltation of the flesh, for this woman  "calls herself a prophetess". The Church took the place of a teacher to enunciate doctrine, leading to an unholy alliance with the world, and setting up a system of idolatry in the worship of images and saints. In time the professing Church sought to exalt itself by ruling over the world and pandering to its lusts. The outcome is a professing Church that comes under the searching judgements of The LORD and the sentence of death.

Nevertheless, The LORD still had a remnant who were free from this false teaching and were  strangers to Satan's depths. Such do not look for repentance or reformation of this awful system, but hold fast as individuals to the truth until The LORD JESUS CHRIST comes. Tgen tgey will have their reward.

H. Smith

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