When you received The WORD Of GOD, which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, The WORD Of GOD. -1 Thessalonians 2:13.
At first I had to smile when I saw the cartoon, but then it made me think. It depicted a customer in a bookshop who wanted to buy a BIBLE. The saleslady at the computer had some difficulty with the order and asked, "The BIBLE - do you know the name of the author? "
I think the cartoonist had hit the nail on the head. That is how far things have come: The B is fast becoming an unknown book. As Christians we know that this is the reason for much of the trouble of our day and age: IMMORTALITY, ADULTARY, FORNICATION, ADDICTION, CRIMINALITY, Etc. However, even intelligent people do not recognize this nowadays.
In people's personal spheres the lack of knowledge of The BIBLE is all to clear. Many seek sense and guidance where it cannot be found: in art, in outward and new age religious forms and practices, in Science or pseu-science (which has the appearance of scholarship). The BIBLE, The Book of GOD's communications to us, even though is available in almost every bookstore, we hardly want to purchase it. That is where the seeker finds the answers to almost all the decisive questions of life. In Christian households, there are many BIBLE's which we have never even touched.
A young nurse had always wanted to read The BIBLE. One day she saw it on special offer by the cash desk in a bookstore where she was shopping and bought one. The more she read only increased the frequency with which she came across questions that she never thought about before. GOD led that young woman to meet someone who showed her the way to JESUS CHRIST. Now The BIBLE is her most treasured book.
Taken from the book, The Good Seed.
My brothers and sisters in CHRIST, is the BIBLE your treasured book, too. Unless we were to take time out and spend it on reading The BIBLE, we would never find the treasures hidden in it.
Inspired by The HOLY GHOST.
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