Monday, 4 November 2013

♥ A Night Spent Reading!

Blessed is the man to whom The LORD does not impute iniquity.  ... I acknowledged my sin to YOU, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, I will confess my transgressions to The LORD, and YOU forgave the iniquity of my sin. - Psalm 32:2, 5

"You can keep your old BIBLE! I don't need it. I am my own GOD. "

With these words a prison visitor was brushed off, when he offered one of the inmates named José a New Testament. Nevertheless he returned a week later and could hardly believe his eyes: José came running toward him, holding his hand out and exclaimed, "Now you can call me your brother. "

This was his story: "I had refused the New Testament that you wanted to give me, but another prisoner accepted it. When we were back in the cell we shared, he asked me to read out loud what it said in the book. That annoyed me greatly, but I did it all the same, as he couldn't read. When I looked up some time later, I noticed that he had fallen asleep. I went on reading - I can't explain why - and did so all night.

"Then GOD started speaking to my heart, I realized that I needed to ask HIM to forgive my criminal life, and that I had to surrender my life to JESUS CHRIST. And I did. "

José has meanwhile been released from prison and is also truly free from his burden of sin of his past years. He is an active Christian working together with others in Argentina in the service of JESUS CHRIST.

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