Wednesday, 6 November 2013

♥ The Greatest Privilege! Having and Knowing The BIBLE!

I will praise YOUR NAME for YOUR lovingkindness and YOUR truth;  for you have magnified YOUR WORD above all YOUR NAME. In the day when I cried out, YOU answered me and made me bold with strength in my soul. -Psalm 138: 2, 3.

Sabine Wurmbrand had to suffer a long period of imprisonment during the communist rule in Romania.

Conditions in the prison there were exceedingly difficult for women. They had to undertake hard work; so despair soon spread among them. Only few had the spirit to endure, which helped them get over their losses and gave them fresh strength and hope in the unrelenting routine that was their lot day by day.

After work some fellow prisoners used to come to the Christian women and ask them to tell them stories from the BIBLE or recite encouraging verses. They were hungry for words of hope, consolation and life. Sabine relates: "We had no BIBLE there and felt more hunger for that than for bread. If only I had learned more verses from The BIBLE by heart when younger! "

Everyday the believers repeated the passages they had once impressed on their minds. And these complemented each other. Again and again they were joined by Christians who had longer passages by heart when they had still enjoyed their freedom. They had foreseen the probability of arrest and taken precautions. Thus they brought a great treasure into prison with them.

In this way an unwritten BIBLE went the rounds of various prisons and brought countless inmates salvation, peace and consolation. What a privilege it is to know one's BIBLE well!

Taken from the daily devotionals, The Good Seed.

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