Wednesday, 6 November 2013

♥ Will I Be One Of The Chosen???

Many are called, but few are chosen. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, HIS own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of HIM who called you out of darkness into HIS marvelous light. - Matthew 20:16; 1 Peter 2:9.

When slavery held sway in North America it was no rare thing for unbelieving slave-owners to have Christian slaves who were far happier than the owners themselves. One such slave-owner used to frequently make fun of his slave's faith and embarrassed him with his questions.

One day he asked him,
"Sam, do you really believe that you will get to Paradise one day? "
-"Yes, sir."
- "Then you belong to the elect?"
- "Yes, sir."
- "And what about me? Will I belong to the elect, too?"

The slave wanted to answer according to his conviction, but without degrading or insulting his master. In a spontaneous prayer he asked GOD for wisdom and then replied, "Sir, I don't believe anyone can be chosen without applying. "  Taken aback, his master quickly turned away;  he had been silenced by such a simple yet apt answer.

We wonder whether that man sensed that GOD was speaking to him. How often has he spoken to us, yet so many have turned their back on HIM like that foolish slave-owner. Whoever hears GOD calling and obeys the call is one of those who "apply". Such will be given the assurance that GOD truly loves them. No sincere application will ever be turned down. Whoever accepts JESUS CHRIST as his SAVIOR, GOD counts as "CHOSEN".

And what an honor that is! Can you even begin to comprehend, how wonderful it indeed is to be chosen by The KING of kings and LORD of lords.

Taken from the daily devotionals, The Good Seed.

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