We shall all stand before the judgement seat of JESUS CHRIST. So then each of us shall give account of himself to GOD. - Romans 14:10, 12
John Thomas, a missionary in India, was standing on the banks of the River, Ganges, preaching the Gospel to a crowd of people. A Brahman, a religious leader, approached him with a question: "Didn't you say that it is the devil who tempts people to sin?" Thomas affirmed what he had said, whereupon the Brahman drew this conclusion: "Then Satan is the guilty party; so the devil, not the person who zins should be punished." From the facial expressions of the people around him the missionary saw that they agreed with this objection.
At that moment Thomas noticed a boat coming up the river. He asked his audience, "Do you see that boat? Imagine I were to give some of my friends the order to kill everyone in the boat and bring me their possessions. Who would deserve the punishment? Would I, as the instigator, or they, who carried out the dreadful deed?" Without any hesitation the Brahman exclaimed, "You would all be guilty of murder! " - "Right", answered Thomas, "and when you and the devil sin together, then you will both be condemned together."
When people appear before GOD to give an account of themselves, it will not help to point a finger at the devil. No-one will be able to make anyone else responsible. So the way that GOD offers us in HIS SON is all the more astounding. Out of love, JESUS CHRIST, The Innocent ONE, took upon HIMSELF the place and the punishment of the guilty. All who recieve HIM by faith benefit thereby.
Taken from the daily devotionals, The Good Seed.
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