Sunday, 3 November 2013

♥ First Flight!

Perched on the edge of a rock at nearly 6000 feet high u in a stony region in the Austrian Alps two eagles are nesting. They are the pride and distraction of the high mountain village from where I observe with my binoculars the skills of those large bird .

This morning there seems to be great agitation in the nest, in which I can distinguish two small heads. Suddenly the two eaglets are tgrow out and, fluttering their wings in an ineffective, disorderly manner, they first fall like stones. Then they start beating their wings frantically. Their fall ceases about 60 feet above the ground, and they then start to ascend. At that moment, the parents suddenly appear like lightning, interrupting their first lesson, and placing themselves under the eaglets to take them back to the nest on their backs.

I think of the way GOD sometimes teaches HIS children to use their "wings of faith".HE places them in difficult circumstances. Losing their own footing, they learn to confide in HIS divine promises. They quickly discover that GOD is there above them, protecting them as eagles do their offspring with their wings.

For the believer, learning to count on our invisible GOD is an experience not to be missed. HIS aim in bringing us back up to the secure, comfortable nest of HIS omnipotence is surely to strengthen our confidence in HIS faithfulness and love.

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