Wednesday, 6 November 2013

♥ The ONLY Way Home!

5The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of GOD. 1 Corinthians 1:18

A young lad had lost his way in Glasgow, Scotland's biggest city. He felt absolutely forlorn and burst into tears. A policeman noticed him and asked him kindly why he was crying. "I've lost my way", the boy sobbed. "Please take me to the cross. From there I can find my way home. "The boy meant the Glasgow cross, one of the city's landmarks.

This incident illustrates what happens to those who take refuge in the cross of The LORD JESUS CHRIST. That is where we can find our way to GOD, The only way back home through JESUS CHRIST. The cross of Calvary really is the only meeting place between lost erring people and our Holy GOD. It is only through the cross and The ONE who hung on it for us, that we can ever get to know GOD as The GOD of righteousness, love,  forgiveness and peace.

JESUS gave HIS life on the cross as the atoning sacrifice for sins. And it is there that the sinner who turns to GOD, believing in the atoning work of JESUS, is freed from the burden of his sins and reconciled with GOD.

Many consider the cross of JESUS CHRIST to be foolishness. They refuse to admit that they are helpless and lost and can be saved ONLY through the death of The SON of GOD. But the way home must go via the cross at Golgotha.

JESUS shows us the way back
Home from the cross;
It goes via Calvary.
It's the way GOD HIMSELF
foresaw for our need:
In the SON HE can make us free.

Taken from the daily devotionals, The Good Seed.

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